Stolls Revolution

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Hey guys! I'm making this story like this so that you can remember what happened lol.

Have a good time reading!












Travis POV:

3 months ago....

RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING. YAY the bell. I'm currently going to a mortal school. And the mist is gone blah, blah, blah. So I have to go to school and make sure not to reveal myself. Eh oh well at least I have my pranking supplies. Que the evil laughter. Anyway my first class is Greek mythology. I check my watch. Oh shoot I'm going to be late. I sprint towards class with Conner and Leo at my side. Oops I forgot to mention him. Well no one pays attention to him. I'm obviously more handsome. Anyway we sat in our desks right before the bell rang. Few that was close. A middle aged man walked in.

He said in a stern voice " Good morning everyone my name is Mr.Smith and I am your Greek mythology teacher. We recently found out that Greek mythology was true and I'm here to warn you. The gods are dangerous and cruel. And we will bring them there downfall by killing there off springs called demigods. Half god and half human. They are cruel and are dangerous to us. They make monsters come to attack us and all major problems are there fault."

Hold up hold up hold up. He did not just says that. He did not! Oh it is on dude it is on. Let the games begin. So the day went on like that. It seems like every teacher hates demigods. And guess what. The kids seem mad the most. But not at demigods but at the teachers. I heard this one boy say to his friend " This is totally not true one demigod saved my life against this massive dog that I think was a hellhound. It was the size of a dumpster truck with razor sharp teeth and red eyes. It was pratically on me. Then this boy came in front of me with inhuman speed. He had this sword and he slashed at it and then the hellhound turned to golden dust. He faced me and then ran. He had sea green eyes and messy black hair. " during lunch. May I just say. Percy can't go a day without saving someone. Anyway the story went around the school like wild fire. Now everyone hated the teachers even more. So me and Conner went around the school asking random people to meet us after school if they disagreed on what the teachers said about demigods. Some said they disagreed but they couldn't because they had to leave strait after school but whatever were doing they will pitch in when needed. Others were like heck yah who cares about the other stuff.

Time Skip after school school garden.

By the time we got to the school garden there were around 50 students. ( It's a small school) We got down to business quick. We talked about pranks and we also made our own YouTube channel. It was called the revolution. Our first prank was to "sell" our school. First, we put the address and the cost and other stuff on the Craig list and a bunch of other web sites. Then, when the staff was gone, we put up a sign saying 'School on sale' {with staff} we also put the principal's phone number too. The next day, the teachers got weirded out and the principal was just going crazy. Luckily, Leo, our prankster in arms was able to hack the security cameras so that we could capture his reaction. I swear, we almost DIED about of laughing too much. We posted it on our channel and all the students watched it! On our first day, we were at 10,000 subs! When we scrolled down on the comments, everyone was demanding for a revolution/or just saying how horrible the school is/ or just dying out of laughter. One person from Japan even said that his parents thought that he was having a seizure when they found him rolling on the floor laughing for 5 minutes. "Oh yes" we all thought. "War has started"

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