part 2

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So I can't punch them. Or kick them. Fudge. Great. Well, I'm going to have a trip to the Bahamas for the weekend. Yup, we're rich that way. Ahh, so refreshing. Well, I'm going to get a better idea.

Line break after the weekend>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Ah, the trip was so relaxing. Well now, we're in school aka hell in earth. So, at lunch, my minion told me " they suck in every subject except pe and Greek except that Blondie." Anything else? "Oh, and they either have no parents or has one parent. " Where do they live?" I asked. Then Matt told me, "oh, they live with Percy's mom. Or at a camp that no one knows." Hmm.. OK, I thought.

Annabeth's POV
(All in greek) "Look like the stalkers are back again," I muttered.
"Great. I beat him up, and now they start stalking us? What a freak move," Percy said. "They get close to you, I'll smash their heads."
"Over protective boyfriend much." Jason snickered.
"Hey! Its my fatal flaw!"
"Guys, we got to move," Reyna suddenly said. "They are right there."
And surprise surprise, she was right. Hiding-or attempting to hide- behind the trash can were Matt and his gang.
We all groaned.
"When will they give up?" I threw my hands in the air and sighed.
"Hey Annabeth, for all we know, they might be stalking us for my god like handsomness," Leo said. Then, he flexed his muscles and acted all macho. Or tried to flex his muscles and acted like a nest of bees was in his pants.
"Leo! You are embarrassing us!" Piper slapped Leo. And sure enough, half the caf was staring at us, snickering and whispering.

"Yeah... Moving sounds like a great idea right now," Percy muttered.

And in a few seconds, we cleared pur plates and walked out of the caf.

Our next class is Greek so we went to room 23a.

GREEK CLASS LINE BREAK>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Teacher: Okay, So I have Greek class with those new kids. Ugh, I hate them. They always sleep through it and even knows more than me. So today, I was going to do a lesson on something that there is so much that they shouldn't know- tartarus.

"Okay class, we will be researching about a realm. It is under the underworld, and belongs to a prinormal god." Then, Percy and Annabeth suddenly paled and Leo gave them earbuds which they wore. (Its evreything proof, even charmspeak.)

"It is Tartarus." Then, Percy and Annabeth's eyes suddenly looked shattered, like it was breaking into insanity but then, it was suddenly gone and the the other eight glared at me like "you had to do that." 

I ignored it and continued. "Tartarus is a pit created by Chaos in the beginning of time. It used to be ruled by him, but now ruled by Tartarus himself, either in physical form or not. Tartarus can't be killed, because he is a Prinormal god. However, it is possible to kill his physical form so he won't be able to walk on the earth-heaven-or in Tartarus again."

They were shivering like they were in the North Pole. But I ignored everything that they were doing. I just read off the paper I had, not bothering to look at my class.

"It is rumored that 3 demigods have once ventured to Tartarus, 2 against their own will and 1 purposely. They all have survived, and yet again is rumored to be still alive."

"Tartarus is basically hell. The ground is glass. The air is toxic. The water poison. Everything there is designed to hurt or kill. Anyone who ventures there has to have an extremely strong willpower, or they would die in a few min-"

At that point, I heard a sob from the class. I looked up, and Percy and Annabeth were huddled together, crying. Percy was trying to soothe her, but he was choking up in tears. Their friends were glaring at me with murderous looks on their faces that said, "WE WARNED YOU ALREADY, TWO STRIKES, ONE MORE AND YOU WILL MEET DEATH"

"Excuse us," a blonde haired man said. Then, with the rest of his group, they carried Percy and Annabeth out of the room, still sobbing.

I could hear scruffling in the hallway, and loud voices.

"Why the hell did she mention-"

"Didn't she see them-"

"Is she blind-"

"Excuse me guys, but let me just go back to the class and kill her-"

"Hell no! You're staying right there!"

"Ok then, can I kill her a little bit then?"

"How can you kill a person a little bit?"

"Shut up! Both of you!" A voice said, probably the blonde haired one. The hall went silent.

"I don't care if the teacher is blind, or deaf. I only care about what state they are." Some sniffling was heard outside, and I heard someone mutter, "Oh, this isn't good."

"We got to get them to camp. Nico, take them there. We'll just stay behind and continue our lesson."

"Got it," a menacing voice said. "I'll be back in a few."

And then the remaining 7 walked back to the classroom, eyeing me from across the class. One by one, they sat down, but leaving the three's seats empty. One jock tried to sit in their empty seat to be next to Reyna, but once he saw the murderous face she had, he slowly backed away.

I tried to continue. "Tar-"

The group sent me death glares. I looked down so I won't have to see it.


There was a slamming noise. I jolted up, and saw all the 7 students slam their books shut. Then, they exited the room. But not before Reyna gave me a cold, hard look. Like a really cold one. So cold I took a step back.

"Don't do that again," Reyna growled. "Percy can do a lot worse then mine's."

She exited with the rest of them.

Reyna : THAT TEACHER HAD TO SAY THE PIT. Annabeth and Percy have daily nightmares and she ruined the rehab- thank you very much, idiot mortal. Mention the pit one more time, and the end of your face would be at the end of my sword.

Nico: Shoot. She mentioned the pit. Tartarus. Tarter sauce. Whatever you call it, it still gives me the creeps. But not as much as Percy and Annabeth. Stupid teacher. Figure it out. 2 kids start paling when you mention the deadliest pit of all time, and you continue, oblivious to the effects. Percy and Annabeth won't show up for that class tomorrow, that's for sure. If she says it again, then I will do what I did to Bryce.

Matt: Why are they paling and wearing earbuds? She just started talking about Tarter sauce and then they started paling up and shivering. And by the time the teacher was mentioning everything could kill you, they were having a mental breakdown. It just doesn't make sense. I need to inform this to my boss.

AFTER SCHOOL>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

"Hey boss"

Parker looked up and said, "Any news?"

"Those kids that we are investigating? I got a lead."

"Sure. What is it?"

"At Greek mytholigy class, the teacher was mentioning Tarter sauce-"


"Whatever. They mentioned Tartarus, and Percy and the blonde haired one started freaking out, like they didn't want to be here. All the others were freaking out too, but not as much as them. The latino elf passed them earplugs and all that, but by the time she was talking about Tartarus' harmful stuff, they were crying and all huddled up into a ball. The goth took them somewhere they called 'camp', and when the teacher mentioned Tartarus again, they all just left."

He nodded. "Good info."

I nodded. "Try and figure out a plan and wreck them."

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