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Now I have to write for my former teacher...
Is this good enough for a prolouge thingy?

Might do other fandoms next
Requests are available
Tribute to Undertale:
A long, long time ago, there were monsters and humans who lived in peace. They lived together, as it pleased the gods. In return, they gave both sides equal power. Humans had powerful souls with properties such as kindness, integrity, and justice. Monsters had magic, and instead of their death being bloody and messy, they simply turned to dust. But their power can be amplified by absorbing a human soul, merging their minds and spirits. One, they become monstrous beings. Seven, and they become an equal to a powerful god.
Humans and monsters eventually split up, leaving each other alone. They lived their lives peacefully to this day. The en---
REALLY? You thought THAT THIS IS THE END? As a writer and reader, it would be WAY too anticlimactic, boring, newbish.
THIS is when the fun begins...
Time went on, humans and monsters started to look down upon each other. Humans, saying that monsters are evil and savage. That they are utterly idiots, weak and very ugly.
Monsters on the other hand, they were peaceful souls. They looked down upon humans fighting each other, leaving widows, orphans to the other side if one lost. Genocide, Homicide, Killing, Wars, Feuds, the list could go on and on. Violence never existed in the monster world. They had powerful protectors from previous times when humans merged souls with them, staying with them forever.
But the humans found out. They learned that with enough souls, monsters could become gods and 'ravage' the world. They could do whatever they want, even kill everything then rewind time to do it all over again.
That was enough to unite them against monsters in fear.
They waged war on them, flooding from the horizon from all sides. They were caught off guard. Even with soul merged monsters, they couldn't fend off the humans from their sheer amount of hate and fear.
Both lost many sides.
Seven of the most powerful human mages along with their armies cornered them into a cave in the mountain. The monsters fled underground. And the humans sealed the barrier.
It took seven of them to shut them out of everyone's minds. And so, it shall take seven to free them.

Days, Months, Years, Decades, Centuries, and Millenias pass by.
Finally, a child climbed a mountain to run from a civil war. They abandoned their broken city and eventually found the mountain. They wanted a little bit of an adventure.
But they came across a cave, and the ground gave away, making them fall...
Into the underground.
They wake up, in a bed of buttercups. It has saved them from the great fall.
But there is one thing you must've missed.
Because that child that fell?
It's you.

Tribute to PJO:

Mortals meet the Demigods (Its awful)Where stories live. Discover now