Demigods and avengers

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Sorry this might be awful...
Aurora's POV: Chaos's chosen team and the demigods were having a picnic because they just wanted to have a truce and just get away from their jobs which is to save mortals. I joined the picnic to keep an eye out since I have a really bad feeling that something's gonna happen. Plot convenience seems to be restless nowadays.

(At the Avengers tower)
Nick Fury wasn't pleased that there were more heroes jumping around in the city saving people. Actually, what he wasn't really pleased was that these heroes had powers. There also had been sightings of dogs cats and even birds fighting off monsters. This was really not good and kind of embarrassing that they killed countless monsters while Sheild were able to kill only 5 so far. He wanted to interrogate them. Maybe test their powers and do research on it so that Sheild can kill the monsters more efficiently. By finding these so called "heroes," they even might be able to find where the demigods were hiding all this time.
"Assemble the Avengers!" He called to an agent. They curtly nodded and ran to the control room. Fury sighed, he was already stressed out with the president pressing on him HOW the most elite organization in the world couldn't finish such an easy task. He himself actually doesn't even know the reason why either. The mysterious people fighting them mostly used Greek and Roman fighting moves. All but one group. They had different moves mixed in from different cultures. Thats what interested him the most. The animals were formidable fighters too, being swift and properly aiming their killing blows and paralyzation attacks. Though some looked normal, others had "advantages" such as pelt that automatically camoflauges them in the shadows. They also resided in the northern areas where humans would have a hard time living (Alaska and Canada). He wanted to KNOW. He wanted to understand WHY they suddenly appeared out of nowhere and if they were related to the gods. But he couldn't. They always were gone as quickly as they appeared. This is why these people are SERIOUS business. He walked to the meeting room after the agent informed him that the avengers are back.

Thor's 3rd person POV thing:
Thor was not pleased to have his party interrupted. But whatever the meeting was, it was important. When he entered the room with the rest of the team, Nick Fury was there. What now? He thought. He already had enough problems with a salty Loki and Magnus-no, Swagnus chase running around the nine worlds. Fury pushed a folder to him. It had big Important labels all over it. On it had about 13 people and one catish dog creature on it. He knew 9 of the people and the creature. The creature, being the one he's REALLY scared of. He decided, I am NOT fighting this freaky ABBOMINATION! He thought. He knew what that thing was. That thing could unleash Rangok in a blink of it's eye. Reason number 2 on not attacking them is that the Greek and Roman gods are having an alliance with the other worlds. Odin would kill him and toss him down to Tartarus if he hurt any of their heroes, Sheild or no Sheild. He glanced at Natasha. By her having Amazon blood, she also knew them. She didn't know IT though. That's good... He thought relieved. "These will be your opponents. We have found them. They are at Central Park right now. GO." Fury said. Reluctantly, Thor stood up and walked through the door.
Back at the park...
Aurora was already getting spammed with reports by the leader of the Clan of the Winter Nights. It was quite a nausiance. He was telling her that he has spies following the Sheild's trail. She just put all of his yelling into DND mode, making him just background noise. But her, oh she already did her research with her alternate versions. She KNEW how they're going to attack. She was not going to actually fight physically because well, it's boring when your fangs can kill anything, machine or not. The style was called "gaming." Oh this will be fun... just hey author? Can u use ur temmiecorn magic and make popcorn for me? I need to find a Wii U along with an xbox controller and a computer so yeah... she thought. Hopefully, she had the advantage. She wanted to have some fun after millennias of playing in other "servers"(AU's) while she waited for her favorite server to start working (she was frozen in ice for millenias)
She then saw Thor and Natasha walking down the sidewalk casually.
Oh yes, let the game start.
Y r u here
Y not
I'm ending the chappie here
Give me time

Hey, so I have an idea
What if we throw in a Mary Sue--
and yet you are a sue
My powers are restricted
While there's aren't
Please say no though
I don't wanna do kill @ command. Again...
Universe: DO IT! DO IT!
Well screw all of you guys. I'm going to drag you all to hell.
No can do
Frick you

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