Part 2

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At midnight, evreyone assembled at the gates. Tiger, Faith and Rea ere all grumbling about how Snow is late and how cold the weather was. It was late fall after all. After a few minutes, Snow finally came and the other three did a light punch on her arm for leaving them to wait for her in the cold night for so long. Ignoring the question, she hopped over the wall and they followed her too. She led them on a beaten old path for about ten minutes before coming to a small pool of sparkling water carved into a large rock. They all sat down together and before long, all four of them were overcome with tiredness and entered into a dream that would change their lives forever.


???: Hello young ones...

Ah, I see you are all confused except Snow. Oh, and how's your end of the universe going?

Snow: *Fine... You know, always having an increasing chance on being on the verge of extinction ESPECIALLY with the world knowing about gods.* /histerically laughs/

Well, to all the new s here, welcome to the realm of dreams where all of your wildest realities takes place because none of this /&;)(>£ REALITY m akes ANY sense. (And I'm talking about YOU fanfiction and FANDOM community...) Oh well, just walk through that forest over there and you'll get there since Snow over here would be your convenient guide. But stay assured... *im watching you...*

The narrarator lol XD:

As they go through the dark forests, they hear many strange sounds and some cringe worthy music alongside ones that makes you tear up. After one minute of walking they see a light at the other end of the forest. They pass through it to see an entrance to a cave where they saw the mysterious smoker shadow like creature. The smoke clears away revealing a young silver wolf with golden eyes. "Hello," they say. "My name is Chaos." ( AND TO ALL OF THE READERS OUT THERE- you know what? Just read the freaking story) "hm? Oh yeah, I'm THE Chaos, creator of the Greek world but looks like evreyone forgot about me. Hey, at least I didn't have any thoughts of being a very tyrannical immortal being with overpowered creation powers." "Today's lesson would be to explain you the REAL story of creation."

Long time ago, there was nothing. Out of that nothing, came out evreything in existence. No one controlled it yet evreyone had some power over it. The place was called the void. Countless... simplist way to say it without having you get killed by your quantum physicist is well, things, stuff, they eventually collected into a consciousness. They made their own branch, their own universe. They were all connected in some way. One of them was the watcher of all of them. He helped evreyone have inspiration for their universe. And where there is creation, there's destruction. They fought. They obliterated each other. They both were eliminated from existence. The end.

Okay no, but that's what technechially happened. We were safe because of them and our web kept on spreading. Many of these universes are controlled by the creator. Many in mythology would say it's me but I'm powerless compared to a much stronger power. They control every word I'm saying, evreything that happens in this world. They can time skip, stop time... We're just their puppets telling their story. Right now, people blame all of their sins on the gods. But it's not their fault. It the people's. I never interfered after creation. THEY polluted. THEY gained the ability of mass destruction. THEY caused evreything that they blame for that ISN'T originally PURELY from nature. Heh, the way they see their world, it's so cringy. I even might soon rest the world. Back. To. Zero.

Faith, you're related to the sea and dolphins right? Then you should have shape shifting powers to some kind of dolphin, whale, porpoise, or any mixes with other creatures. You also probably have the ability to breathe underwater.

Snow, you know your power. Swagness virus. Lets not explain the complications that will have your friends avoiding you for the rest of your kid in the end- seriously, you all won't wan to hear about it.

Rea, you probably are creation. So anything artistic that you make you can will it some to life and possibly control it. Don't try it at home though, the most is gone. That also means you can make viruses and firewalls and stuff since you are the legitement "goddess of coding" (that's just a name)

Tiger, your destruction eh? You can probably well, destroy. Eliminate, kill off, erase... Anything minor on those lines. A shotgun, boom. Disappeared atom by atom. A nuke, yes, with enough practice, you can do that.

So, Snow, bring your team to CHB, I already informed Auroraclaw. It's not that far, just use one of your shortcuts and you'll be there. Just don't tell the gods I'm here or they'll come for me with all their nasty stuff and I'm just going to have to kick them out.

See you next time and try to enjoy your rooting for ya kiddos!

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