Chapter 6- Becoming Angle

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"So, you can run really fast?" I asked

Barry zoomed across the room, so he was now standing in front of me.


"And you fight crime?" I asked

"I try to help as much  I can" Barry said with a smirk.

I sighed. Even when he was kid, all Barry wanted to do was to help people. Part of the reason why he got into so many fights.

"Then I'm helping you" I said "if you can help fight crime, then I'm going to help you. To save your ass"

"Raven..."' Barry trailed off

"No. I am your sister and you can't talk me out of this" I said stubbornly

"Well, if you're going to join Team Flash" Cisco said, before pointing to himself and Caitlin "We are going to need to know the extent of your powers and work on your flight"


"So, what are we doing here?" I asked

Barry and the others had taken me to an abandoned airfield. There was a Star Labs trailer and a tent set up. Under the tent was some computers and scientific gadgets. I had some on me that will help track my vitals and an earpiece, so I can talk to the others while I fly. 

"This is where I trained. These guys helped me figure out how to control my speed, they'll be able to help you with your flight and control your wings" Barry explained

I took a step closer to Barry.

"Do you trust them?" I asked my little brother

"Completely" Barry said

"Okay" I said, turning around to walk farther away from everyone.

My brother always saw the best in people and maybe navie, but if he says that he trusts Cisco, Caitlin and Wells, then I trust them too.

"Raven wait" Barry said

I turned to face my brother.

"Why didn't you tell me about your powers?" Barry asked

He had a hurt look on his face.

"The last time I told someone about my powers, I was a criminal. They wanted to use my powers for heists and ever since I got arrested I've been scared to tell anyone else" I explained

Barry still had a hurt look on his face.

"I never meant to keep it from you forever. I was planning on telling you after the particle accelerator was turned on..." I trailed off

"I get it. You did what you thought was right" Barry said before walking towards the others.

I took a few steps away from everyone.

"Okay, Raven lets see how high you can fly" Wells said.

I nodded my head and tried to let my wings out. I concentrated on my wings coming out of my back. I thought about what it would feel like to fly, to be free. After a moment I heard the flutter of wings, telling me that my wings are out. I crouched down and jumped, the wind catching me, lifting me up into the air.

"Woohoo!" I yelled

Flying was the best feeling ever. It was how I always thought being free would feel like. It was wonderful.

"Okay Raven, let's see how well your landing is" Wells said into the earpiece.

"Hopefully it'll be better than Barry trying to top for the first time" I heard Cisco joke

I giggled a little before flying back to the others. I started to lower myself closer to the ground as I neared the tent. I leveled myself to the ground and put my right foot onto the ground, landing very gracefully .

"How'd I do?" I asked

"Very nice" Wells said

"Your vitals stayed regular throughout the whole flight" Caitlin said.

"So I can help Barry fight crime?" I asked, with a smirk

"Yes" Wells said proudly

"More than I would if I didn't have the wings or magic?" I asked

"Yes, Raven" Barry chuckled

"Now we just need a name for you" Cisco said

"A name?" I asked as we all headed back to the Star Labs van we drove here.

"Every hero needs a name" Cisco insisted

"What do you have in mind?" I asked

"The Raven" Cisco said


"What about Angle?" Barry asked

"I like Angle" I said as we drove back to Star Labs

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