Chapter 44- Something to think about

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"I just found you my child, I'm not about to let you go so soon. Besides family is everything" a familiar bearded man said to me. I was sitting in a chair with my wrists tied to the arms of the chair and my ankles to the legs.

"If you're so sentimental then why am I tied up?" I asked angrily.

If this man was my father, then what hope did I have to be good, to help others, like Barry, Sara and everyone else?

"I need to make sure you wouldn't run away like Chay-Ara did. See together we are more powerful than anything. Don't you feel it? Your powers are getting stronger? Imagine what we could do together!" Vandal said gleefully

"I don't want to be like you. I'm nothing like you" I insisted, but it felt like I was trying to convince myself

"Ahh but you are, you felt it a few years ago. Your powers growing and you couldn't control it. That is why you left your speedster. That is why you are doubting your place on your little team with your childish friends now" Vandal said, circling me

"That's not true. I belong on our team" I yelled

But everything Vandal said was true. I doubted almost everything I did and I had put the team at risk at least once. It was my fault that Kendra and I got captured by Vandal. Maybe I should just leave the team. Maybe I should join my father.

I looked down at my lap, trying to process everything that Vandal has said and how it matched reality perfectly.

"So I am right?" Vandal inquired

I didn't say anything.

"If you join me, I can help you control your powers and help you unlock all of your hidden talent and no one will be able to stop us. Your friends that are scared of your powers, will not be able to stop us" Vandal offered. He knelt down so he was at eye level with me

I looked him in the eye, searching for something to tell me that he had some ulterior motive. I could find anything. Vandal genuinely wanted to help me, help his daughter.

"If I join you, you have to promise not to hurt Leonard" I said, quickly glancing at the ring on my left hand.

Vandal followed my gaze before noticing the ring and smirked

"Of course, he is family too" Vandal said, untying me.

I woke up with a jolt, covered in a thin layer of sweat. I ran a hand through my hair and looked around the room. Lenny was still asleep. Thank god I didn't wake him up. I'm not sure I want to talk about my dream just yet.

I quietly got out of bed and walked downstairs. We were still staying at the abandoned gated neighborhood. It was great, no one has come looking for us in a while and this place is so well hidden no one will look for us here.

Once I was downstairs I lit a small fire to boil some tea to calm my nerves. I ran my hand through my hair again, trying to make sense of my dream. Once the water boiled I poured it into a mug and let the tea seep.

I played the dream in my head again. Everything I felt in the dream felt so real. The fear. The guilt. I need to know everything that led me there.

Questions ran through my mind.

Who was that man?

Was he really my father?

Would I really give up my friends that easily?

Behind me I heard a pair of feet walking up to me. I turned around and saw Mick.

"What are you doing up Little Bird?" Mick asked

"Bad dream" I said, taking the tea bag out of the mug and take a sip

"A magical type dream?" Mick asked

"Nope just a regular dream" I lied

"Okay" Mick grumbled before heading upstairs up to his room.

I sighed and leaned against the kitchen counter, drinking my tea. How the hell am I supposed to keep this from Lenny and Mick

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