Chapter 42- Seeing the Future

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"What are you doing Little Bird?" Mick asked me as I placed some candles in a circle

"I am going to try to see into the future to see how we break out Len" I said, placing the last candle in lace and grabbing my spell book

"What no plan? I thought you and Snart always had a plan" Mick stated

"Len was the one with the plan. Len is the brains, you're the muscle and I am the back up and medic" I stated

"Have you ever looked into the future before?" Mick asked

"No" I answered, flipping the pages of my spell book, trying to get to the right one

"Have you ever looked into any point in time?" Mick asked

"Yes" I said, looking up from my book with a smile

"Was it successful?" Mick asked, clearly worried for my safety

I looked back down at my book, not wanting to answer my friend.

"Little Bird" Mick warned

"I've got this. Don't worry" I said calmly

"I always worry when it comes to your magic" Mick muttered and walked away from my spot

I sighed and lit the candles before sitting in the center on the circle. I sat up straight and took a deep breath. I closed my eyes before I started in incantation. 

Spirits of time I call upon thee

Show me what lies in the future

by the power of three, so mote it be

Once I had finished the incantation, I felt something pull me


A man with long dark hair and a dark bear stood in front of me, but I wasn't alone. To my left stood Lenny, Mick and some guy I didn't know and on my right stood a man in some exo-suit, a blone girl in a white leather body suit, Firestorm and two people with wings. The man in front of us almost radiated power.

"Give me my daughter and I'll let you all live" the man across from us demanded

As if I wasn't truly in control of my body, I took a small step forward. I would've kept going, but the blonde girl stopped me.

"You don't have to do this Raven" she told me

"I know, but he won't stop unless he has me" I responded

I looked over to Lenny and a wave of guilt washed over me, but I kept walking towards the man.

Suddenly I was brought to a new point in time. Now I was at a place that wasn't a part of time. I was running with the blonde girl and we were dragging Mick with us.

I stopped in my tracks, sadness pulled on my heart. I looked behind us

"Raven! We have to go!" the blonde girl yelled

"I- I can't leave" I said, tears forming in my eyes

"If we don't leave, we will die too and Savage will win. We have to go" the blonde pleaded

I nodded my head and followed her, tears starting to fall.

I was jolted to another time. I was sitting in a stolen car. Suddenly Lenny and Mick come out of a jewelry store.

"Successful mission?" I asked as I started to drive away

"Of course" Mick said from the back seat.

I giggled as we drove away, getting away with our heist.

Once we got back to the abandoned gated community styled neighborhood we were staying at, Lenny stopped me before we went inside.

"You know, there was one thing that we stole tonight that I stole specifically for you" Lenny stated, stopping outside the front door.

"Oh yeah? What?" I asked playfully

Lenny smirked and pulled out a ring. He grabbed my hand a placed it in my ring finger.

"Of course this would be how you ask" I chuckled, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear

"What do you say?" Lenny asked

"If I didn't want to marry you, I would've taken the ring off by now" I said before kissing him

"Ah, you popped the question. Congratulations you too. I'm getting some food" Mick said as he walked around us

"Don't take too long" I warned Mick


"Raven! Raven!" I heard Mick yell

I opened my eyes. I was covered in a thin layer of sweat and I was shivering. I felt something damp on my upper lip. I placed my fingers on it to see what it was and it was blood.

"Damn it Little Bird. You scared me half to death" Mick admitted, handing me a towel

"I'm fine" I said, grabbing the towel and wiping away the blood from my nose

"What happened?" Mick asked angrily

"I saw the future... and things get interesting" I said

AN: For the spell incantation, I just googled time spells and used the first one I found. this is the link if any of you want to check it out, it has some other spells there too. I don't know if any of you guys are into spells or Wiccan or anything, but I am and I wanted to use a real spell for this because I thought it would be cool and I didn't have any spells that would fit this.

I also hope you guys like the little foreshadowing I put in the visions of the future :)

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