Chapter 36- Final Showdown

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"Oh no" Cisco said

I looked over at the monitor in front of him and saw Wells/Thawne walking up to the building

"I'm going after him" Barry said

"I'll go with you" I said, letting my wings out

"No, I've got this" Barry said

"You can't do this alone" Caitlin said

But it was too late. Barry sped out to where Wells was, determined to do this alone.

"Angle needs to be out there" Joe said to me

"Angle is dead" I said, turning and walking out of the cortex

My wings folded and went back into my back. Barry doesn't want my help. He doesn't even trust me. I should've just left with Leonard back at the hanger.

"Raven! Wait!" Cisco yelled after me

I stopped walking and turned towards Cisco.

"What Ramon?" I asked

"Barry needs your help" Cisco said

"Barry doesn't want my help. I don't even know if he wants me here" I said

The fact that this was true, made me sad. 

"He's hurt, give him a little time and-" Cisco started to say, trying to defend my brother

"He's hurt and he's not going to accept my help, even if I go out there to help him. I should have left with Leonard" I said

I should have. He's always truly been there for me.

"We need you here. Barry needs you here" Cisco pleaded

I shook my head and shut my eyes and thought of Leonard and Mick.

"How did you get here Little Bird?" I heard Mick say

I opened my eyes and I was standing in a safe house. Mick was standing in front of me, eyes wide. I looked around. How did I get here?

"Little Bird?" Mick asked, sounding concerned for me

I started laughing.

"And the shrink thinks I'm crazy" Mick said before taking a sip from his beer

"I have a new power" I chuckled

"What?" Mick asked

"I have a new power. I was just standing in STAR Labs" I said, still chuckling

"Mick! I'm back!" Leonard yelled before a door slammed

"You're not the only one" Mick said, before heading to the makeshift kitchen, probably to get another beer.

"What do you mean?" Leonard asked, walking towards me and Mick

When Mick didn't say anything, Leonard looked around the safe house. When his eyes landed on me, his face lit up.

"When did you get back?" Leonard asked, smiling

"Five seconds ago" Mick said

Leonard looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"I have a new power. I don't know if it's a new part of my magic manifesting, or because I'm a metahuman, but I have a new power" I explained

"What is it?" Len asked

"Teleportation" I said, smirking


"Leonard, you can't do this" I pleaded

"Just go Raven. Only one of us has to die" Lenny said

"I can teleport us out of here. Back to the Waverider. Or 2016" I said

"You've never teleported that far or through time before. There is a chance of the both of us dieing. Not a change. NOW GO!" Lenny ordered

I sat up in bed, shaking from my dream. I tried to control my shaky breath. I looked over at Len, to see that he was still peacefully sleeping and I was thankful that he was. If  Len woke up, he would have me talk to him about the vision.

After a few moments, I was able to normalize my breathing. I got up and walked to the makeshift living room. I sat down on the couch and tried to wrap my head around my vision. I've never had a vision like this. Normally I see what happens from a third person point of view and I feel nothing from the time I see. But this time, I was myself and I felt every emotion I would feel when this event happens.

Why was Lenny sacrificing himself?

Would I still try to save him?

  What were we doing?   

AN: Hey guys! So next chapter will be taking place in the one episode of Flash season two with Captain Cold and then I'll go on to the shenanigans in Legends of Tomorrow. Sorry for any Captain Cold feels this may have given you. Hoped you liked the chapter.

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