Chapeter 43- Just in time for Christmas

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"Mick are you going to help me with our annual Christmas job?" I asked the arsonist

Mick only grunted in response. I knew he wasn't too happy about doing our annual holiday job without Lenny, it was his idea to start doing this in the first place. I still wanted to do the job, for some sense of normalcy... or as normal as an arsonist and thief could get. Mick and I start planning out which neighborhoods we were going to hit as soon as families and the rich leave for their Christmas vacations, leaving all of their valuables at home.

"Planning the job without me?" I heard someone ask from behind me

I turned around and saw Lenny standing behind Mick and myself, smirking.

"Partner! You're back early" Mick said

"Of course, how could I not spend Christmas with my number one girl and my trusted friend?" Lenny asked sarcastically, still smirking.

"I'm glad you're back" I said smiling and walked over to Lenny and wrapped my arms around him.

"Me too, my love" Lenny said before kissing my forehead.

"Hurry up boys. I'm bored" I said, sitting in the stairs, waiting for Mick and Lenny to finish grabbing valuables from the safe. We were at the last house on our list and the boys were taking too long fro my liking.

"Sorry if the safe is taking longer than I thought it would" Lenny said, trying to crack the safe.

I smirked and walked up to the safe and placed my hand against the safe. I visualized a hole melting in the safe door around the lock. As I visualized this, my hand started to warm up and the the part of the safe underneath my hand started to turn red and steam up. Within a few minutes I broke into the safe. I looked over to Lenny and smirked at him.

"Show off" Mick said under his breath

"Just grab the money and let's go boys" I said, flipping my hair over my shoulder

Lenny and Mick grab the money from the safe and meet outside, where we had parked the get-away car. I got into the drivers seat and started the engine while the boys threw everything in the car before getting in themselves.

We rode in silence until we turned onto the street where our abandoned warehouse was. Police were surrounding the warehouse and looked like they were about to go in, probably looking for us.

"Thank god I never go anywhere without my spell book" I said as I started to back up the car, hoping no one saw us.

"I had a sandwich in there" Mick grumbled from the back seat

"You want to go back for it?" I asked sarcastically

Mick grumbled about it being 'the perfect sandwich' and sulked in the backseat.

"So, where now?" I asked Lenny

"Not sure. Didn't think the cops knew where we were yet" Lenny said

We sat in silence for a few moments.

"I have an idea" I said

I started to drive to the abandoned gated community that I saw in my vision. After the vision I looked up where the gated community was for in case we needed to place to hide. No one said anything until I pulled up outside. The gate was still standing, rusted but it looked like it could still be moved. I got out of the car, going to open the gate, Mick and Lenny following me.

"Where did you find this place?" Lenny asked as I tried to open the gate

"I came across it one day, noticed it was abandoned so I memorized where it was" I half lied.

Just as I finally got the gate to start moving, Lenny grabbed hold of it, keeping it in place.

"The truth, Raven" Lenny said

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

"I used one of my spells to have a vision to help break you out prison" I admitted.

Lenny only raised an eyebrow, clearly wanting me to elaborate.

"I didn't get what I was looking for, but in my vision I saw the three of us come here after a heist. I looked up the place afterwards and found for in case something like this happened" I explained.

"At least you got something out of your vision" Lenny said before giving me a quick kiss.

I felt bad for not telling Lenny everything that I saw, but I didn't want him to worry about things in our potential future, it's not good for heists.  After the gate was fully open, we drove the car inside and parked in front of the house closest to the gate.

Lenny picked the lock and we settled in for the night. Tomorrow I'll use an illusion spell and go pawn off the jewelry that we grabbed tonight.

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