Chapter 35- Losing Trust

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I walked around STAR Labs, looking for Barry. He's ignored me since what happened at the hanger. I decided to check the pipeline, since it was a place Barry sometimes went to think. I was right, Barry was there, sitting on the ground.

"Did you know?" Barry asked

I didn't say anything.

"Did you know that Snart was going to let them go?! Is that why you convinced us that you wanted to help?" Barry asked angrily, standing up

"If I knew, then why am I here?" I asked

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Joe walk into the pipeline. Joe didn't say anything. He probably wanted to see how we'd handle this ourselves.

"I don't know Raven, but I highly doubt that Snart would help us if he couldn't take you with him!" Barry yelled

"Leonard is not my keeper and neither are you! I could have left but I didn't! I want revenge  for mom just as much as you do!" I yelled

"Maybe this is your plan! Destroy the team from the inside" Barry said

"Woah Bar" Joe said

Barry looked over at Joe.

"Do you really think she's here to help us? That that is her only reason for being here?" Barry asked Joe

"Maybe it's not her only reason, but right now it's the reason that matters" Joe said

"WE CAN'T TRUST HER" Barry yelled

I flinched at my brother's words. I never meant to lose his trust. I just couldn't stay and be the good guy. That's not who I am.

"Well try Bar. Raven is still here. She could have left with Snart, but instead she stayed because she wants to stop Thawne as much as you do" Joe said, defending me

"I can't trust her" Barry said

He sounded broken. 

A tear fell down my face and I ran out of the pipeline.

"Raven, are you okay?" Caitlin asked as I walked into the cortex

I wiped away my tears and nodded my head. Caitlin walked up to me and hugged me.

"Do you trust me?" I sniffled

"For the time being" Caitlin said with a smile, referring to my promise of returning to my wicked ways once Thawne was dealt with.

An alarm on the computers went off.

"What's wrong?" I asked as Barry and Joe walked into the cortex

"Particle accelerator is fully charged and online" Cisco explained

"Shit" I muttered under my breath

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