Chapter 38- Lewis Snart

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"And you really want us to believe that Leonard Snart was kidnapped?" Barry asked in the Flash suit

And yes, Lisa still doesn't know that Bart is the Flash.

"I saw it happen" Lisa said

"And where were you Raven?" Barry asked

"Unconscious" I said

"The four of us were robbing the Central City Race Track" Lisa started to explain

"Does it physically pain your family not to rob people?" Caitlin interrupted

"Yes" I said with a smile

"We never finished the job" Lisa said

"After Mick torched the side entrance, I looked back for Lenny and Raven and she was on the ground unconscious and Lenny was getting thrown into the back of a van" Lisa said

"Why didn't you and Mick follow?" Barry asked

"I would have, but someone hit me from the behind and knocked me out too" Lisa said

"By the time we both came to, Lenny was gone and Mick left with the cash" I said

"How do we know this isn't a trap?" Caitlin asked

"If we wanted Speedy dead, we would've let the metas do so last time, 'member?" I said

"I remember" Barry said

"Good, so you'll remember that you owe Lenny for saving your life" Lisa said

"Time to make good on that debt Flash" I said

"I don't like them" Caitlin said

I smirked

"Yeah, but they make a good point" Cisco said, siding with me and Lisa

"We should hear them out" Cisco added

"Even if we wanted to help, how are we supposed to find him?" Barry asked


"Remind me why we didn't tell the Flash that it was Lewis who took Lenny?" I asked Lisa once I was sure we were in a secure area of STAR Labs

"Because if the Flash knows it was my father, he'll start to think it's a trap. So we keep that from him for as long as we can" Lisa said

She looked nervous. I don't blame her. I remember the one time I met Lewis. He's a monster and now he has Len.

"What are we doing here?" I asked Mick and Snart as we walked up to a house

The house looked normal, but the way Snart was reacting to it was telling me that this wasn't a normal house.

"We can hide here for a while" Mick said as Snart opened the door

"Whose there?" a girl, younger than me, said as she held a bat, ready to swing

"Lenny!!" She yelled once she saw Snart

The girl dropped the bat and ran to Snart, hugging him

"Hey Lisa. Dad here?" Snart asked as he hugged the girl back

"No, he's at work" Lisa said

"Good. I want you to meet Raven. She's a friend o mine and she'll be staying here with us for a while" Snart said, introducing me

"Hi Raven!"
I smiled, thinking about the day I met Lisa and how much she looked up to Len. Then a shiver went down my spine, remembering what happened a couple hours later, when Lewis got home from work.

"You alright Raven?" Lisa asked

"I'm fine. Just remembering the first time I met your dad" I explained

Lisa gave me a sympathetic smile

"We should head back to the cortex before 'Team Flash' gets suspicious" I said, putting air quotes around Team Flash

Lisa nodded her head and we left our little corner.

AN: hey guys!!! Sorry it took me so long to write this chapter. I've been busy with a lot of stuff and when I wasn't, I just could bring myself to write. Hope you guys like this chapter!

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