Chapter 13- the letter

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"Hey Rave, you okay?" Iris asked

After that weird cold induced dream, I called Iris, asking her to come over to my apartment as soon as possible.

"No, not really" I said as Iris and I sat on my couch.

"What happened?" Iris asked

"I had this dream... about Snart" I said


"Yeah, he came here and once he realized as that I was sick, he insisted on helping me. He ended up trying to convince me that he cared about me and..." I explained, trailing off at the end, not sure if I want to tell Iris the rest

"Annd....?" Iris asked

"We kissed" I said, barely over a whisper

"WHAT??" Iris asked

"We kissed" I said again, but louder

"I heard, but what do you mean you two kissed? Do you like him that way?" Iris asked

"No, when we were younger, he was like a brother, but now... now I'm not sure how to feel about him"

"Really?" Iris asked

I nodded my head.

Ever since I became a cop, I wanted to arrest Leonard and Mick, but since Lenny came back into my life and keeps trying to convince me to join him again, I'm not sure how I feel.

"I get it. It makes sense that you still care for him in a family sense, you guys were so close for o long" Iris said after a pause

"Can you do me a favor, don't tell your dad... or Barry" I asked

Iris nodded her head in agreement


A couple days later I was feeling better, but Barry wouldn't let me out on the field, he'd only let me help from the lab or with the police. It took me weeks to convince Barry that I was fine before he let me back on the field.

"A bank robbery? Really?" I asked into my earpiece

"Yup, let's go Rave" Barry said

I smirked and flew over to where Cisco said the bank robbery was. When I got there a blonde woman had picked up a security guard's gun from the floor and pointed it at a man. The woman shot the gun and Barry zoomed in and moved the man out of the way as I evaporated the bullet, keeping it from hitting anyone/thing else. Everything had seemed under control so we left the bank.


"What happened?" I asked as I joined everyone at the crime scene I was at minutes ago

Joe raised an eyebrow at me as if he was saying 'really?'

"It was like everyone here was trying to kill each other. We got here just in time" Barry said "I didn't know you could evaporate things"

I rolled my eyes at Barry.

"You should've seen it. It was like everyone was trying to kill each other" I explained

"We got her just in time" Barry added

"It must've been  diversion, because there's a half million bucks missing from the vault" Joe explained

"Isn't there a tracker in the cash?" I asked

"We're trying to find a signal" Joe said "In the meantime, do you two have any idea what could've caused this?"

"A neurotoxin maybe. I'm going to swab some surfaces, see what I can find, but I think they got whammied" Barry said

"Whammied?" I asked

"Affected by a meta" Barry explained


"I got so angry. I can't believe I did that. I would never hurt anybody" the blonde woman that had the gun earlier said


After getting back to the police station and getting some paperwork done, I went back to my apartment. I sighed and threw my things on the couch. The letter Snart and Mick left me still sat on the counter. I picked it up and opened it. It's not going to hurt anyone for me to read it.

Dear Raven,

I get that you have changed your ways and you won't leave your new family for me and Mick. Just now that if you ever need to get away, if you ever need a place to crash, just find me and  Mick. You'll always be family to us.

Love, Snart

Tears started to form in my eyes. Snart was always there for me when we were kids. I just can't believe that after threatening shoot him and everything, he's still there for me.

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