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a/n: insert fall out boy or p!atd album in title pls ^ amazing award winning artwork by" the-best-bases-ever " on deviantart. oh also im working on a cosplay (gyro from devil's candy omg) and im really too lazy to write this


you stared at the lethal popsicles lodged in toby's ear. you almost felt sorry for him. but he rapeeed u!!!!!!!]one!!!!!11111!!!!!! keemstar laughed. "it was all part of my DIABOLI(K LOVERS)-C PLAN. AND THE TWO OF YOU FELL FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he said. keemstar threw off his hat. twelve year olds barged into the rusty old windows, pouring into the room in which you 3, no 4, were in. toby didn't originally count because he was dead. 

the twelve year olds immediately tied a noose-leash around your neck (like a noose, except they're walking you like a dog. in a noose.) there were a few writing keemstar x scarce fanfictions, others looking up what an alabama hotpocket was (steven suptic. DO NOT LOOK IT UP PLEASE DONT IT'S REALLY TERRIBLE I WARNED YOU) and dwelling on urban dictionary. they began to walk you and leafy out onto the front lawn. it looked like someone was going to have a quaint barbecue or a nice bonfire (if you dont know what that is istg get out). oh wait. you were getting burned at the stake.

"THEY SAY THE CAPTAIN GOES DOWN WITH THE SHIPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP" fall out boi screamed from next door, watching your execution and laughing. patrick was like crying because hes innocent. andy was shocked. joe was just watching with a smile. pete... pete is pete idek


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