.:Chapter 2:.

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Grykuu stood still as The Director stared at him. Frost stood at the door, ready to leave the awkwardness. "So... I ma just leave now..." He started as he prepared to make a dash for it. Frost was stopped by Damien raising his hand. "No you stay here too" the male with dark black hair said.

The big room was tense, with the male's dark hair being highlighted by the light from the big window behind him. He looked like an evil master mind with his red eyes that seemed to glow behind his wireframe glasses as he sat on his chair, hands on top of his table.

Red eyes moved to cyan blue eyes as the evil-looking male said "Grykuu, how did Sorean die?" The boy flinched as he looked down. "Do you know the reason that the bad guys suddenly disappeared?" Grykuu asked, as he looked up. 

Damien and Frost shook their heads, not really liking where the conversation was going. "Director, sir, d-do you remember the s-spell you thought Sorean?" he asked as Damien nodded slowly, already realizing what the boy meant.

Grykuu took a breath as he then said "sobasicallysoreanwasanidoitanddecidedtodothespelltotrapallthebadguys" The two looked a bit confused, unsure what the boy said. "Can you say that a little bit slower?" Frost asked as Grykuu nodded. 

"So basically, Sorean was an idiot and decided to do the spell to trap all the bad guys." He re-said.Damien nodded taking in the new information as Frost silently muttered a small 'why!?!?!?!?!?!?'

Grykuu turned to leave, but was stopped by Damien's voice saying "is there anything else that happened?" He freeze, anger bubbling up as he remembered what they did. "Yes. Something else happened. 

You see, Director, we have a couple of traitors" Grykuu nearly growled out.This shocked the men, but they did not stop him as he told them what had happened. 


Months pass since Sorean's death, his siblings now much better than the last 3 months. In the same dorm that belonged to Sophia, she and a group of teenagers hangout. Sophia was on the red couch hugging a pillow as she listened to music.

Beside her, a girl with blue hair and sea-green eyes sat silently reading her book. On the opposite couch, Grykuu slept as a boy with dark green hair and green eyes sighed silently as he simply relaxed. 

"HEY WAZZUP MAH HOMIES!?!?-"a male yelled, only to have a pillow thrown at him (curtsy of Sophia). "Keep it down Shawn" the green haired male growled out. Shawn, a brown haired boy with brown eyes pouted childishly. 

The loud noise made by Shawn caused the once sleeping boy to be now wide awake as he glared at the green haired male.

He then pushed the other off the couch and said before going back to his nap "dis is mah couch boi. So don't you forget that, Joe." Joe rolled his eyes at his sleepy friend. 

"Oh yeah! The Director told me something!" at this, Joe turned to the idiot, Sophia stopped her music to listen, and the blue haired girl looked up from her book. They looked at him expectantly, as he then dumbly asked "what?"

At this, Sophia growled at him and threw a pillow at the annoying male, again. Shawn took it full force as he then huffed and muttered "rude..." under his breath. The un-named girl sighed as she then asked "so what did The Director say?"

 At this the dumb boy seemed to remember why he was here. "Oh yeah! Thanks Rahna!" he quickly thanked her. He then happily asked "well, remember how you asked The Director when the teams where coming out?" 

At this, the occupants that where awake slowly nodded their heads slowly as if they were dealing with a child. Which to be honest was probably right. "So?" Sophia asked, annoyed by the 4 year old in front of her. 

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