.:Chapter 3:.

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Sophia woke up to a loud alarm. However, the annoying alarm had a short life duo to a pissed female. The girl quickly calmed herself to avoid another incident. With a heavy sigh, Sophia left her bed to go to her bathroom. 

Seeing as I wish to not show her daily routine, we shall skip this part!~ (DAMMIT GUY! STOP BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL!) Sowwy!~

After finishing her daily routine, the girl turned to her vanity. She removed her hair from her ponytail as she combed it till it was straight. The girl now whore a sleeveless button up red shirt with a half black half white necktie. 

Of course, she wore a pair of black and red shorts with frilly white and black knee socks underneath her red boots.She grabbed her fluffy red skirt and quickly placed them on before leaving her room. You see, the girl had a shared dorm room, with her room being the bigger one.

And judging by the lack of an idiot in the kitchen, she concluded that her roommate was oversleeping. Again. Sophia let an annoyed sigh to exit her mouth as the girl moved to the blue door in the shared dorm room.

Entering the room, she couldn't help but sigh over all the books littered around the floor. She didn't let it distract her duo, as she made her way to a large bookshelf and climbed up its stairs to reach the higher floor.

Once at the top, the girl couldn't help but sigh once again. There were more scattered books, a lot of papers and pens, along with one lone eraser and pencil, and a few clothes littered around. Why was he like this? On the rather plain pale blue bed laid a figure that was covered in his blanket.

Sophia pulled the blanket to reveal a sleepy red head wearing red jogging pants and a dark grey shirt that had a large circle with an x in it. The boy was known as- "SOREAN! GET YOU ASS UP OR YOU WON'T BE GAINIG ANY MANGO FLOAT!!!" In record speed, the boy got up, grabbed a red jacket, faceplamed to the bottom floor, and ran, leaving his and the dorm room's doors open.

'Of course...' The red head thought with an eye roll. Following her brother's trail, the girl actually closed the doors as she left to the cafeteria. "Sophia-san!~" ahh, the annoying voice of bitchiness has arrived to tor- I mean greet the red head.

A black haired girl with dark grey eyes waved enthusiastically at her. The girl herself was dressed in a Lolita fashioned white and pink dress as the girl had two half ponytails tied in a pink ribbon. The girl also had a frilly headband.

Beside her however, was a handsome young man with hair as dark as the night and eyes as red as fire (unlike the blood red eyes of The Director). He wore a simple light red button up long sleeved shirt that was a bit rolled up underneath a black vest. He wore simple charcoal brown pants with a silver chain.

"Good morning Sophia-san!~" the black haired girl greeted with an overly sweet voice. The girl observed her then asked "Oh! Sophia-san, where's-" "Sorean?" Looking at the boy beside her, the black haired girl glared at his interruption.

Sophia thanked whatever deity was up there that helped her with her blush. The red headed girl answered in, as always, annoyed voice. "I don't know where he left. But his probably at the cafeteria."

The two unnamed students nodded at this. "Let's go Cyreen, Javie" Sophia said as the two black heads followed her. 


"GIVE IT TO MEH!!!" "NO!!! NEVER!!! I GOT IT FIRST!!!" was what greeted them as they entered the cafeteria.

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