.:AWH shorts:.

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Ren was knew things. He couldn't remember a lot of things, but he knew his small little family truly loved him. Ian was a nice kid and Shawn was awesome (a word he learned from the brunette) to hang around, he couldn't ask for better friends. Yet he knew he was missing someone, he just didn't know who it was.

He knew he was his father's son, no matter what the other demon said. Ren had his dad's hair, his purple eyes which were accented with his mom's yellow. He had his mom's place skin and facial shape with his dad's attitude. He didn't remember his mom who had died when he was still too young, but he could remember most of his family.

He remembered a wolf demon and a fox demon who were his dad's uncle and aunt. Ren knew of his dad's two brothers, his two other uncles and Ren recognized the girl with red hair and purple eyes like his own. He knew who she was, and yet didn't. When he saw the blue haired demon, Ren recognized him after his mind cleared.

Ren learnt that even if he doesn't remember most things, his body still did. Instinct was what saved him from close calls and his instincts told him that, that man, who he refused to call uncle, was dangerous and cruel. In hindsight, he probably should have have conserved his mana more. But when he saw his uncles, the ones he acknowledged, hurt and bleeding he panicked and started teleporting the others quicker and faster, wasting his mana.

Ren didn't have time to regret as he faced his next challenge. Now Ren wasn't stupid, even when he was a little naive at times. He may not understand English or speak it well, but that doesn't mean he's dumb. So he did nothing but glare at his captors. He would sometimes snarl at the vixen when she got too close, but stayed silent at the man who screamed danger. The only one he liked was his protector.

Lance, that was his name, had been very kind to him and he could see that kindness being given to others around him. Ren saw it close and personal when the demoness had appeared and threatened the male. The dark skinned demon said nothing, but stood his ground when others where involved. Ren had a feeling that the wolf was being forced to work with the villainous demons.

Ren thought back to the two human boys that helped him. Javier (?) seemed newer to the group, the human having hesitated if he should interfere or not while Jahn (?) seemed to know better. The two also felt very reluctant, and Ren felt bad for the three reluctant villains.

And then the fox demoness turned to them. Ren could feel the, maybe, Jhan's fear, smell it really, when the demoness turned. Javier, or maybe Javie, held hostility in his eyes when he saw her punch Lance. Ren couldn't blame him. He wanted to rip her neck off when he saw his protector get hurt.

When she left, he tried his best to tell them he wanted to offer an alliance. He thinks they got it, as the two humans turned red and his fellow demon smiled at them. They were really nice and he hoped to see them again. Ren continued to kneel on the ground, body sore for not moving for nearly weeks now.

The two colored eyed boy should get used to it, his mana would take months before getting to full strength. Or he could wait for rescue. Which was less unlikely as the magic sensitive boy had felt a teleportation spell being casted on the entire building. Yet he still hoped, and prayed that he would be found soon.

Ren distracted himself by letting random facts enter his brain. But then he stopped as he remembered something he had been ignoring. His blood. Uncle Des told him that demon blood was yellow and that human blood was red. So why was his both? He was a pure demon, born to two dragons. Granted his father stuck with the bloodline blessed by their ancestor, which made the humans related to them, but Ren was a dragon.

The purest of the pure, starting off with a dragon body and now staying in a human one. Ren luckily had enough mana to stay human other wise his entire time in the prison would have sucked more. The black head whished he could just go back to his true form and fly away, but his instincts told him that whatever was in those papers and weird marking that filled the walls would kill him.

So Ren waited for his rescuers, who ever they were, and waited for his magic to return. He wasn't a hundred percent sure that he could escape. Ren only learned a few spells from Ian after all and he had a feeling turning to a dragon would be bad. But he was confident he could trick his new allies into giving information. And maybe releasing him from his cell.

He just had to play innocent and dumb. Ren waited, and he continued to, as he breathe in and out. His open strange eyes stared at the guards, watching them be uncomfortable. A small malicious smile filled his face and he watched with a strange glee as the people watching him flinched back at his sharp teeth.

Now he knew why his father enjoyed scaring humans. Ren would wait like a good boy. And once he found his opening he would tear them all down to pieces. He chuckled and let his bloodlust loss to mess with them. Humans, demons, they are all the same in the end. And so Ren wondered if Luke's blood would be tasty.

Hhhheyyy guys...

So I wanted to show the world in other characters perspective so I'm gonna. It's short but you guys will have more updates and it's my apologies for not posting for so long. Also I'm going back to this way of writing so that you know it ain't part of the story.

Note from 12:32, June 28. My apologies for not posting this. I forgot I didn't press publish and with my mom using the computer to prepare for online classes I really forgot. I feel bad but I couldn't give you all something so half assed. I want to be motivated to write more and maybe one day I might actually finish this damn thing.

But until then, this is The First Author,

Signing off.

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