.:Chapter 5:.

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Sophia and friends (+ a grumpy Rahna) all sat somewhere around the room. Right now, the two teams where in team Falcon's dorm room as they discussed things. "I say we do it by midnight" Chichi said as she sat on the right side of the couch that Sophia sat.

"But what about Kamen? We'll lose him of we go!" Deku said while sitting on a single chair as his brother threw him a hurt look. "It's okay, we'll just place a leash on him" Skylar said with a wave of her hands as she lay on the left side of Sophia.

"That's a good plan. After all, camels tend to wander a lot. It's truly wise to place a leash on him" Sophia said as she got nods around her. "Why do you guys have to be so mean to me!?" Kamen whined from the ground as Joe, who was sitting on a single couch near him, kicked to albino.

"Shut up, idiot" Joe said as Kamen simply whined more. He was kicked harder by Grykuu, who sat on the other single couch. "Alright, with that out of the way, we need a plan" Grykuu said.

"Pffsshhh!" Skylar stated as she threw an exaggerated arm at the red head. "Why have plans when we probably won't use it?" She asked with a relaxed tone. The girls beside her gave her an 'are you serious?' look.

"Really?" Sophia asked as Skylar nodded. "That's a dumb idea" both Rahna and Kamen said together. The two turned to each other with a surprise look, before Rahna threw a random pillow at him

"Don't copy what I say!" she yelled as she threw him a punch. Poor cam-Kamen, it seems like bi-Rahna! (Sorry, keep making... mistakes) decided to beat him up.

The others being the nice friends they were decided to ignore them. Grykuu shrugged as he said "well, we have no better plan. So might as well." Skylar celebrated by pulling out magic confetti.

"Where did they come from?" Chichi asked as Sophia patted her back. "No one knows, young one. No one knows" The red head said as Chichi gave her a look. "I'm older than you" the petit girl said as Sophia nodded sagely

"Yes, but your shorter than me" Sophia stated as Chichi pouted at her. "I'm a loli~" the short girl whined as Sophia patted her back.


It was midnight and all students were sleeping. All except for two teams, who decided to escape. The red headed girl watched them all as each one of them carried a bag filled with the things they needed.

"Alright guys, you all know the plan?" Grykuu asked as he got nods. Sophia, who had been sneakily looking around the hallway, turned to her brother. "The cost is clear" she whispered as he nodded.

"See you guys at the other side" Skylar whispered with a smirk as she led her team away from them. You see because they were traveling with a large group, they decided to split up do it will be easier to move.

"I still think that this is pointless" Rahna mumbled as Sophia felt like strangling the girl. "Then why come with us in the first place?" Joe whispered to her with annoyance in his tone as the girl huffed.

"Alright, enough of your lovers' quarrel. It's time to move" Sophia said as Rahna blushed as she stuttered something out about not liking him. Joe just ignored Rahna as he began to follow the red heads.


It was quiet, too quiet. No teachers checking the halls. No Frost stumbling around as he patrol the halls. No annoying Shawn. It was suspicious, Sophia quietly thought to herself. The girl couldn't help but keep her guard up as she and her team roamed the halls. 

"Wait! Are you serious!?" A yell came. The teens scattered themselves as they hide in places they could. Sophia had found a dark spot that hid her, but also allowed her to watch the halls. Her grayish-purple eyes focused on her two targets. Shawn and Frost, the two of them walking slowly.

Frost stopped as he shushed Shawn. "Shh, you might wake up the students" Frost said as Shawn gave him a shrug. Sophia couldn't help but wonder why they were together, and why did they only appear now?

"But why are you going there?" Shawn asked with a worried tone as he too decided to stop walking. Frost nodded as he took, as what his students and Sophia call, the serious mode. "Yes, Damien needs me to take care of things there" The albino said as Sophia silently wondered what the hell they were talking about.

"But professor! It's dangerous-" Shawn stated, only to be cut off by Frost who had placed a finger to his lip. "I know" he said. He then began to walk, with Shawn staring at him with shock. Frost turned to him, and with a bitter sweet smile, the man said "I know it dangerous. But my nephew needs me."

Frost then walked even farther as Shawn ran after him. Sophia heard a distant "wait!" from the halls, and when it was all silent, the girl left her hiding spot. "Come out now" she said softly as her team got out of their hiding spots. Joe had used his own powers to cling to the ceiling, while Rahna had stuffed herself into a locker. 

Grykuu had just stood there clinging to the wall as the team wondered how he wasn't caught. "How weren't you caught?" Sophia questioned as Grykuu shrugged, not sure himself. "Let's not question that and just be grateful you weren't caught" Rahna said with an annoyed tone as Grykku glared at her.

"Anyways, let's just continue" Joe said as he stepped in between the two, who were ready to have a fight. Sophia approved at that. The team then continued their journey, avoiding teachers who patrolled the school. They were at the cafeteria, where they meet team Nightingale.

"We meet again~" Skylar quietly said with a dramatic voice. Sophia rolled her eyes, but couldn't help the smile approaching her face."It seems so, water supply" the red head said with a teasing voice. Skylar gave her a grin as Chichi smiled at them.

"Were almost home free guys" Kamen said, who actually had a leash. For the sake of his sanity, he chose to ignore the thing. The others stared at him as he looked at them with a confused look. "What?" he asked as Deku punched him, Skylar elbowed  him, Chichi stepped on his foot, and Sophia judo flipped him.

The dark albino had to cover his scream duo to this. "What was that for!" The boy whisper-shouted. Deku had his arms crossed as he stared at Kamen with disappointment. "You just jinxed us" the short boy said softly as Sophia and her friends glared the Kamen.

"Wow, you guys suck" an annoying and familiar voice stated. The teens turned around to see Shawn leaning against a wall. A smug expression could be seen on his face, but he was alone. This confused Sophia. 

'Wasn't Professor Frost with him? Where could he be?' she thought. The boy was rewarded several glares as he sighed with a fake hurt expression. "Tough luck getting out of here. I didn't even need to catch you to know that you wouldn't get out" he said with fake pity.

"What the hell are you talking about, shitty pervert?" Sophia nearly growled out as the male gave her a shake of his head. "Did you really think that we didn't know that someone was leaving?" They here a familiar voice state.

Slowly turning around, the teenagers stood there with fear in their eyes as they stared at the man in front of them.

'Fuck' was the simultaneous thoughts of the escaping teens. Standing in front of them, dark haired man smiled at them with their instincts screaming out 'danger!' The Directer's smile widened as he asked, "Well, my beloved students?"

~End of Chapter 5~


Quick side note, Grykuu is based of my brother. And one time while we were playing hide and seek with the other kids, he just clung to the wall. We stared at each other for I had based Sophia's hiding place off of my own hiding spot. Up to this day, we still wonder how the seekers over looked him. XD

With the derpiness aside, sorry for delaying the chapter! It was exam week and we had so many things to do at that week. Sorry if it was short too, I'm not good at escaping scenes. I'm only good at tortu- I mean nothing! Nothing at all! hehe...

This is The First Author, signing off!

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