.:Chapter 12:.

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"Drago! Stop it!" a woman yelps as she laughed. Damien simply hugged her tighter as a blissful smile stayed on his face. Frost groaned as he gave them a grossed out face. "If you're gonna act all lovey dovey with my sister, can you do it when I'm not around?" he said, his voice still icy cold despite being close to them.

The black haired demon chuckled at his brother-in-law. "sorry Desmond. I'll try my best to hold back" he said as the red eyed male glared at him. "You better, Princey" Desmond said as Damien hummed. "Big brother, stop being so mean to my hubby!~" the white haired woman whined, her big yellow eyes looking at Drago's purple eyes.

"Uggh, what ever. I'm going out, don't do anything to Venallopi" was all the older demon said as he left. "Be safe" the couple said together with a smile as the male glared at them, but his face had a small blush as he left. Turning to his wife, he gave her a sly grin. "So what do you wanna do first?"


"Drago, can you get me water?" his wife asked him, her pregnant body having been to heavy to stand by herself. He smiled at her as he nodded his head before going down stairs. As he reached the table, he heard someone frantically knocking. He quickly ran as he opened it up. 

In front of him was his best friend and brother. "Luke! What's wrong?" he asked with a concerned look as the bloody male looked at him. "It's Desmond! H-His been attacked!" Luke said, fear and worry in his voice. "I-I tried to stop them..." he mumbled silently.

Drago looked at him with sad eyes as he lead him into to house. After wrapping his wounds, he looked at his friend's sea blue eyes. "Take care of Ven. I'll go see if Des is okay" he said seriously as his friend nodded.

As he left the house, he never noticed Luke's smirk. And he would regret that forever.


"Homicida! Proditorem! Quare te occidere uxor mea!?" He yelled, his purple eyes gone as red glowing eyes replaced them. "Quare, Lucam!?" he asked again, tears bubbling upas he stared at his glowing sapphire eyes. "Quare?" Drago asked silently as he fell to the ground.

He heard his brother-no, the traitor didn't deserve to be called that, chuckle. "quia illa intelligitur esse meus" he said as he stepped forward. 


Damien woke up to cold sweat. Fear showed in his purple eyes, before they faded away and returned to his cold red eyes. "Ren" was all he could say before he heard a knock. He looked up from the chair as he mumbled a come in. Dianna came in with a concerned and fearful look.

His gut sank as fear started coming up again. "Sir, we have someone for you" she said softly to her boss as his eyes flashed between purple and red. "Let them in" he said, his voice sore. The two people who came in made his heart break. Fear, sadness, and anger filled him as his two friends walked in. Blood and bruises littering them as scared kids and teachers walked behind them


"Luke" Desmond spat out with an animalistic growl as even more frost appeared while the room darkened. "Ahh~ If it isn't my dearest brother and his friend! How have you been Desmond?" The monster asked. Frost's eyes flashed red as white scales began appearing around his body. 

"Desmond. Don't let him aggravate you" Daniel said, calm as ever as the darkness stayed around him while purple flames danced in his hands. His purple eyes staring at his aggressor with a look never seen on him before. The two normally chill professors looked at the man in front of them with hate.

"So tell me. Where is he? Ubi est iuvenis princeps?" Luke asked as his loyal lackey, Lucy, stood behind him. Her eyes held flames in them as her dark smile stayed on her while her eight tails swayed behind her. "He's not here! So leave these humans alone!" Daniel yelled as the room almost lost all it's color.

Luke laughed and laughed as the two tensed up. He whispered something as Lucy moved. Before they realized it, she had managed to stab them. Desmond looked at Daniel as the two nodded. Darkness consumed the room and no human could see anything. 


"It's going to be okay. I'll protect you" Daniel said calmly with a soft smile as the people around him calmed down. A protective shield hide them as Desmond battled it out. "Professor Daniel!" Ian yelled as Daniel winced. Blood trickled down his face as small cuts formed around him. Ian could see a spear hit the shield again as a another cut appeared.

The small boy turned to his friend as the teen placed a hand on his head. Ren moved close to his uncle as the man looked at him. Silently, the boy placed his hand on the man's cheek. He closed his eye, as he smiled softly.

"I'm sorry" Ren said as he punched his uncle in the gut. Ian stared in shock as the shield went down. Daniel looked at him with fear in his eyes, purple flames trying to reach out to the black head. Ren simply walked forward as a woman ran to him, spear in hand. 

"REN!" Frost yelled as ice surrounded the woman's legs, holding her in place. Luke turned to him too, the two fighters bleeding as cuts surrounded them. "Iuvenes principe" the bluenette said as a malicious smile graced his face. "Stop hurting him" Ren said, accent there but not as heavy. An air of royalty surrounded him without him even realizing it.

Luke smirked as he stopped. Frost stared at him with shock as he tried to get closer to him. But he stopped when he saw the wind get stronger. It was like a huge wind was blowing around everyone, but only Ren seemed unaffected. His hair flew around, revealing his other eye.

Dark markings that looked like veins were on his normally covered face. He opened his eyes and all that was there was a pure almost blinding white. "O potens Shiro et Kuro. Ianuae magicae mea sociis tuto et percutiet meus inimicus" was all Ren said as his voice echod around the walls.

"REN NO!!!" The two uncles yelled as a blinding light engulfed the whole room. Ren smiled sadly as he fell, power gone and enemies in pain. All that was left as a mark. An eye mark.


Sorean sighed. "Shit is really going down" he said as the small angel sat down. 


Weird end but my mind is weird like that

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