.:Chapter 15:.

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Sophia could feel more dread bubble up her stomach, making her feel sick. She tried staying strong but she honestly felt stressed. The red head was worried for her brother. Her only brother left was in pain and there was nothing she could do. Sophia let a sigh escape her lips, she's been doing that alot lately.

The red head waited for her brother to awaken so that their teachers could explain what in the hell was going on. While waiting, she reviewed all the things that happened to her. Yeah, she knows it wasn't the right time for a reflection but when will she truly get the chance of reflecting again?

Life seemed to have decided to play a joke on Sophia. Her twin died and there was nothing she could do. Sorean, the person who truly made her happy when she was young. When times were simple and she was alone, her twin brother was the one to extend a hand to her. The one who helped her even when he annoyed her.

And she lost him. She never really had time to mourn her brother's death. In all honesty, she's been feeling rather numb about it. But the more she think about it, the angrier she felt. If only she had forced him to stay. If only she hadn't been injured that day. If only he hadn't left. These thoughts plagued her mind but she did her best to ignore them.

Kuro, she didn't know what to do. Sophia felt that she would break down any moment. Her twin died, her best friend and first love missing, and now? Her precious younger brother, Grykuu, was growing and suffering.

And once again, there was nothing she could do. She decided to ignore the self hating thoughts that started plaguing her mind. She would stay strong for her brother. And for her self. These were the final thoughts she had as her brother walked in.


"Mister Grykuu, take a sit anywhere. We have a lot to discus" Were the words that greeted the confused boy who had just entered with Professor Frost.. Grykuu nodded as he took a sit on the spot left by his friends. Joe gave him a concerned glance from his left while Shawn gave him a comforting look. Sophia gave him a soft but pain filled smile. Atleast does two would help him, even if she hated Shawn she knew that he would keep her brother safe. He was still shit do.

"As all of you know, everyone of us hold a power over a specific element" The Director started as a hologram crystal sat on the stand. "But not all know where it came from" he said as symbols of different elements appeared on screen. They were in a sort of arrangement, magma and ice on top as fire, water, and earth sat second with the other elements joining at the bottom.

Many others questioned where wind was until the element was seen in between the first and second line. They couldn't ask why the elements were arranged so weirdly as the professors continued. "In your last year here, you were supposed to have this lesson. Seeing as none of you finished, none of you know" Professor Dianna said to all the young students.

"Magic comes from ancient beings who are now lost in our time" Professor Daniel continued as he stepped out of the shadows, surprising the already confused students.

"We all draw magic from them, each of us getting different beings. That's the reason why many families have different spiritual animals" The Director continued for them all, ending the short history lesson. Sophia turned to her brother again who responded bye silently saying sorry via his eyes. "What's this gotta do about Kuu?" Joe, surprisingly, asked as he gave his best friend a worried glance.

Professor Frost sighed as he sent a tired look to all of them. "Everyone can draw magic from our past lives, but not fully. Not until it awakens and we merge with it" the albino started making the confused students even more confused. "Professor, if that is true then why don't we ever merge with it or use it earlier in life?" Sophia asked as everyone turned to her.

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