.:Chapter 11:.

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Luke stood above a bloody Lance. His signature dark smirk decorated his blooded face. "Now" he said as he pulled the bloody male closer. "Where are they?" he asked  as Lance glared at him. "You'll never get it out of me" the bloody wolf like man basically spit out.

The sadist above him frowned as he grabbed a bloody dagger from the ground next to Lance. Stabbing him in the gut, Luke smiled as he heard the surprised and pained welp from the brunette. "You will tell me where they hide him" the bluenette said as he stabbed the beaten man again.

"Lukeee~ Lookie here!" he heard Lucy say, effectively ruining the mood. He noted the small look of shock, anger and fear that crossed Lance's face before settling back to his old poker face. The sadistic man turned around and smirked. It was one of Lance's students. Jhon? Jun? Jane? Jana? Whatever, Luke didn't care.

"Well well well. Look who we have here~" Luke says as Lance growls at him. "M-mister Lance... Master L-Luke?" the brunette asked, fear dancing in his eyes. Luke gave him an even wider smirk as he used the dagger to stab the small boy in the gut. 

The human screamed as pain erupted from his gut. Lucy backed away as Luke kicked the boy hard. He flew back and made a small crater on the wall as his blood sprayed on the broken wall. As he was about to stab him again, a loud yell stopped him. "Stop it!" Lance screamed as his facade began to break. Luke turned to the beaten wolf as he gave him an over the top confused face.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you?" Luke stated with a mocking voice as Lance's glare hardened."Let. Him.Go and I'll tell you where their hiding" he said through gritted teeth as Luke gave him another smile. "Good" was all he said before turning to Lucy.

"Bring him to the medic and make sure he forgets this" Luke commanded as Lucy gave him a smile much like his own. "Sure thing boss~" was the slut's reply as she carried the boy away. Looking back to Lance, he gave a glare."Now start talking" he said with a cheerful tone as he gave him a close eyed smile.


Jhan woke up with a splitting headache and a bright light blinding him for a bit. "Your awake" he heard a familiar voice say. The young man turned around to see his mentor with relief written all over him. But Jhan didn't share the same relief as the older male as he looked at him with concerned eyes. Lance was covered head to toe with bandages and some tiny healed cuts.

"M-Mister Lance? What happened?" he asked as Lance gave him a small strained smile. "It's nothing, go to sleep" he said while the younger glared at him. "Mister Lance, I don't think-" the blue eyed teen started only to be cut off by a groan.

"Where am I?" was the horse voice from the other bed. Jhan quickly got out as he ran to the other male's bed. The teen had ashy brown hair and ruby red eyes. He was handsome, with high cheek bones and sharp eyes. Jhan wished he was as handsome, but sadly he wasn't nearly as handsome as the male in front of him.

"You where found knocked out in the front yard with your sister, a sword, and a small dragon" was what Lance said. His words surprised the two boys as the stranger simply asked a small "...what?"

Lance sighed as he got up. Moving the other curtain that the two had ignored, he grabbed the plain sword on the table. Jhan saw a girl with long black hair wearing a ridiculously pink lolita styled dress.

He knew the girl as the overly sweet Cyreen who honestly scared him. The stranger glared at her sleeping form, but then went wide eyed as he stared at the plain but we'll crafted sword.

The blade was a simple one, but it had a small circle engraved to it near the end of the blade itself. The hilt was not really decorated, but it was just a little fancy with the strange purple and yellow stone.

The teen reached out to it as sorrow shined in his Ruby red eyes. "Sorean..."he whispered softly. Jhan probably wouldn't have been able to hear it had it not been for the silence of the room. "Do you remember anything?" Lance asked the unstable red eyes teen.

"... Everything" he muttered softly as he traced some invisible lines on the sword. Lance sighed as he gave his student a small look that he understood. The younger male went back to his bed as he sat on it obediently.

"Do you remember who you are?" Lance asked softly as the teen stopped. He looked up with the same pale and dead ruby eyes. His hair still messy, but a single strand of hair stood up at the side, curling in words at the very end. And the next thing he said would shock Jhan for a very long time.

"Javie, Javie Inferno crown prince of the Kingdom of Flames"


"Lance hasn't been here for a long time" Daniel said off handedly as Frost stared at the probably crazy man. "Who the fuck is Lance?" The albino asked him with pure confusion on his face. The cobalt haired male looked at him with realization on his face, as if he just realized that he forgot something.

"Oh Yeah! I never really talked or told you guys about Lance!" he said as Frost felt an head ache coming up. Kuro dammit, he was slowly acting like Damien again. "Nice fellow, he's the reason why we haven't been found yet" Daniel said, yet Frost could already feel the 'but' in his voice.

"Buuuut, he's actually a part of the inner circle..." he stopped as he whispered in a lower tone. "...of tenebris ortus" Frost turned to him with barely hidden anger at that. "What!?" he whispered harshly as his blue eyes glowed an even paler blue. The room got even colder as frost started to spread from the man himself.

"Calm down! He's not doing it willingly. Besides, he's the reason why we found more survivors than we really should have" Daniel said as his eyes glowed a soft purple. Frost who was shaking from anger calmed down as shadows wrapped around him. It looked like it was hugging the man. "Thanks Dan..." Frost muttered softly, a soft embarrassed blush appearing on his face.

Daniel chuckled, he was acting more and more like the tsun tsun he knew. It was kinda sad when his friend started acting like a care free, clumsy, and kinder man than the brutal, sadistic, tsun tsun that was ice. "Uncle Dan! Uncle Des!" came the happy yelps of their nephew.

The two turned around, joyful smiles on their faces. At least they had someone to lighten their moods. "Ren! How is my dearest nephew doing?" the real uncle of Ren asked as the tall giant swooped up the younger male. Daniel glared a bit, already hearing the 'I'm the real uncle!' from Frost.

"Okay, Ian thought magic me!" was boy's reply, accent still thick and grammar still wrong, but he sounded better. Frost nodded as he put him back down. "Mind if you showed me?" Frost asked as Ren seemed deep on thought. "Need concentrate first. Takes up big magic" Ren said seriously.

The uncles and nephew turned to a loud scream and saw Ian running towards them with a look of panic and fear in his eyes. The three males immediately had their guards up as they got ready for whatever fearful news the normally brave boy had.

"Prof Dan! Prof Frost! T-they found us!" he yelped as he nearly fell, his friend had luckily caught him. "Lance has been found out!" Daniel cursed as his eyes flashed purple again. "Ian, watch over Ren. Get to safety!" Daniel ordered as Ian nodded. Turning to Desmond, he flashed his purple eyes again. 

"Des, let's go" Desmond nodded as frost started to form again, his eyes glowing in the same pale blue. The two ran to the hole, or the entrance of  their little base. A small pit already forming in their stomachs. Dread and anger filled them as they heard a familiar manic laughter.


That's a wrap! Sorry I hadn't published anything. My computer broke and I was lucky enough that I was alone in the house. So I'm using my dad's computer. Don't mind me...

This is The First Author, signing out!

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