.:Chapter 16:.

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I lived bitches.

Also, I'm not gonna translate Ren's words. I'll just state when it's  in a different language.


Sophia heard curses and looked at her team's leader. Although she has never seen Shawn act serious, her younger brother and Joe act like this is normal. Granted he was a few grades below her so that's probably why she doesn't know him that much.

The red head turned away to look down below them. Legacy, who was in a much a larger form, was flying over a huge crater that once had the trapped villains in the greenhouse building. She didn't know how, and frankly her mind was going through a tough time with trying to understand how it went away.

Magic was the most best solution, but even the best of magician's couldn't teleport an entire piece of land especially with a building, people, and a very complicated sealing spell on it. Sophia ignored the question that came back in her mind. Who made the sealing spell?

The red head tend to ask herself that but now wasn't the time. She turned to her brother, a constipated look on his face. Sophia could already see all the hypothesis flying through Grykuu's brain. She turned to the rest of her team. Rahna was glaring at the hole like it offended her. She probably didn't want to stay with them for even longer.

Joe was trying to snap his friends out of whatever they were busy thinking about and her new member was just confused. "Uh, Sophia?" he asked, a bit louder than normal as the wind blew around them. "Yes?" she answered back wondering what he wanted this time. "I know this may be stupid, but what's going on?" Zen asked, his black blue hair dancing in the wind.

"It's fine, your still new and we haven't really told you much" Sophia replied as Shawn suddenly yelled out. "Professor, what are we going to do now!?" He yelled out to the other team on the ice themed dragon. She glared a bit at his interruption, but then again, he didn't even know he was interrupting something.

"When we land on ground, I'll explain as best I can" she said as a compromise, not wanting to talk so loudly anymore. Zen nodded as he shot her a cute sheepish smile. "Search the west sea side, if you find anything report back!" the albino commanded tossing a crystal over.

Legacy flew closer as Shawn grabbed the falling crystal. He did a small salute with one of those non-pervy smiles that made a bunch of girls have crushes on him. Sophia observed him for a bit, and she could find herself liking this version of Shawn. He was more tolerable. "Kuu, Grykuu. Snap out of it. Nerd, idiot, stupid, are you still there?" she heard Joe ask as he kept snapping his fingers in front of the still constipated Grykuu.

"Let me handle this" Rahna suddenly said as bother she and Joe stare at her in surprise. The blue head must have thought they were doubting her, so she said "don't worry, Skylar does this. I've learnt to deal with stupid". Although Sophia should feel anger at the insult, but she didn't cause holy shit that burn. The red head never knew Rahna could be so savage.

Rahna got closer to Grykuu, her mouth very close to his ear, and she blew into it. Just as he snapped back into the world of the living, she leaned back to where she was. "Who?" was all the younger red head could say as he Joe just smirked. "Welcome back idiot" he said as Grykuu rolled his eyes.

Sophia smiled, happy her brother and Joe were still getting along. The red head turned back just as Shawn called for them. "Guys, help me look for a island with a building or some shit" the brunette said as they all just nodded. It was time for Sophia to search.

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