.:Chapter 9:.

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Dianna sighed as she stood at the docks. Beside her was Shawn who was busy ignoring her. She hated being alone with him. He just ignored her or looked at her with hate when they were alone. But when someone else was there, he acted like a pervert again. She wished she had brought Sophia instead of him.

But alas, the girl was still out for a mission, but she should be coming back around now. Suddenly, a black boat appeared.  The boat wasn't big, but it was obviously for a royal. Blue gems and gold decorated the ship as a lightning flag sat on top.

 Blue gems and gold decorated the ship as a lightning flag sat on top

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As the ship landed, Shawn started to look at Dianna. He gave her a perverted grin and she silently preferred this over Shawn's hateful look. Out of the ship, a teenage boy stepped out. He had azure blue eyes and dark hair. 

The hair was black but it's shine leaned more to blue than brown. The tips of his hair was dyed blue and his hair covered his left eye. "Mister Dalton, welcome" Dianna said as she approached the surprised teen.


He was really here! Granted it was only cause of war, but he was finally out of the stupid Kuro forsaken castle! When he landed, he was approached by a beautiful woman. He didn't like her, but he wasn't blind to realize how stunning the woman was.

When she spoke, her voice was firm yet held gentleness in it. She reminded him of his dad. But as a girl! "Thank you for having me" he said with a polite tone. He might be awed right now but he will never allow it to show. He needs to keep his manners.

"So you're the new kid~" a boy said. The boy was shorter than him but only by a few inches. He had brown hair and eyes- wait a minute. With a closer inspection, you could tell that his eyes were actually copper.

He had this grin that screamed mischief and something in his eyes made the boy check his pockets. "I'm Dianna, but you shall address me as Professor Dianna" the woman, Dianna said. "Come with me" she said as she began to walk. He quickly caught up as the unnamed boy followed them.

"The names Shawn. What's your's?" the shorter boy asked. "Zen, Zen Dalton" was his reply.


After her mission, Sophia was walking around when she accidentally stumbled upon her favorite teacher, Professor Dianna. Behind her was Shawn and another boy. "Ah! Welcome back Miss Ablaze" the woman said as Sophia gave her a smile. "Hello Professor Dianna" she said with a polite tone.


Zen looked at the girl that Miss Dianna was talking too. She was beautiful, actually. Her hair was a striking red and her eyes a beautiful purple. Wait, they have a little bit of grey in them. Wow. But anyways, Miss Dianna said something to the girl.

"-thank you Sophia" she said. Wait, what? "I'll be glad to help Professor Dianna"  the now named Sophia said. She turned her attention to him and all he could do was give her a small wave. "Sophia Ablaze, a pleasure to meet you" the red head said with a polite tone.

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