.:Chapter 4:.

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Damien sighed. He was tired. So, so tired. His blood red eyes stared at the man in front of him. The man had red hair and grayish-purple eyes. His hair was styled like Sophia's, but as a guy. And his face was much like Grykuu, it was just older and more developed. He also had a dog with him.

"So, you're telling me that there's another part of the war going on and you want your kids to stay here" Damien said trying to calm himself.  At that, the man smiled as he cheerfully replied with a "Yes!" (The dog, a husky, happily barked.)

'Deep breaths, deep breaths Damien. You need to calm down. You're in front of the strongest king right now. He could sue you. He could bankrupt you. Do you want that?' He thought to himself as he calmed down.

Plastering a fake smile, the man calmly said "you do realize that this is a ruined school, with broken buildings, nearly destroyed dorms, and the first place that they attacked. You do know that, right?" Despite the annoyance that started to sip into Damien's voice, the man before him simply laughed. A crazy one, mind you.

"I know!" he said with a close eyed smile. But when he opened his eyes, Damien straightened just a bit. "Dami, I know I said that I'd bring them back after the school year ends. But I'm taking it back" he said.

"I want them to stay here." Damien stared at him with concealed anger and annoyance. "Rickardo." He started. "I can't keep them safe here. Please recinsider-" Damien said, but was cut off by the red head.

"Damien!" Rickardo yelled as the man stared harder. "Sorean's Death was not you fault!" at that, Damien opened his mouth. "And don't you dare say that it was!" he yelled as he glared at him.

'I was just gonna say that I wasn't thinking of that. And that I can't keep your kids cause we're running low on food...' The man thought with a silent sigh. "Rick, just... Stop it..." he pleaded.

Blood red eyes stared into Darkened greyish-purple eyes. "Dami, we trust you..." Rickardo said with a soft voice. The younger man look at the dark haired Director with pleading eyes. "Please Dami. Please help your bro out?" He pleaded as Damien sighed at him as he gave him a small glare. "Fine..." he mumbled as he watch the red head smile a soft smile. "Oh yeah" Rickardo said as he placed the husky down.

"Dami, can you give him to the kids? Thanks!" Rickardo said, not letting Damien say a word. Then he left. He never noticed the middle finger that Damien was throwing at him. As Rickardo left, Damien sighed.

"FUCK HIM!!!" he yelled as he flipped the table. "HAS HE ANY IDEA WHAT I'D HAVE TO DO NOW!?" he yelled, not noticing the door being opened and the dog barking.


Throughout his rant he never noticed his Secretary and best friend, Dianna, stare at him before leaving the room.

"AND HE HAD THE NERVE TO USE HIS BRO CARD ON ME!!!" Was the distant yells Dianna heard as she speed walked faster.


Sophia and Grykuu wondered why they were called to The Director's office. They chose to not question Dianna who stared like she saw something terrifying.

As the three reached The Director's office, Dianna turned to them. "Whatever you do, don't point out how messy his room is" she stated with a serious face.

Sophia nodded almost immediately while Grykuu wondered if his sister's head was okay. Dianna then opened the door to show the siblings the room.

One side of the certain was nearly broken while the other was on the floor. The left window was broken and Sophia saw one of the big bookshelves on the ground as books sounded it. Random papers and pens where on the floor.

The Director was seen facing the biggest window in the room for his chair and table where flipped somewhere. "You two are here" he said stating the obvious.

'You think?' Sophia thought as her brother stared at The Director. "I have news for you two" he said as he turned to them. "Your father has requested that you two stay here for reasons that I will soon announce" at that, the two looked at him in shock.

"   But Director!" Grkuu started, only to be silenced by the glare of the black head. "With that said, call your team mates. Tell them to go to the cafeteria" he said as he turned to the right. "Shawn!" he yelled as the brown haired male came out from under a bunch of books.

"Yeah?" the teen said with a dumb smile. "Go and announce this to the rest of the teams" he said. "But don't we have a speaker?" Shawn asked as Damien glared at the window. "It's broken" The Director said with a dark look.

Meanwhile, Sophia wondered if Shawn was always this suicidal. And if so, could she get away with murder? The girl was broken out of these thoughts by a bark.

"Oh yeah, your dad told me to give him to the two of you" Damien said as he threw a random book at Shawn. Sophia silently wondered where the fuck the dog hid and why did he only now chose to bark. Shaking her thoughts away, the girl left the office with her brother and husky following her.


Sophia watched as The Director once again stood at the stairs. "Students of Royal High, I have called you all to tell you of an announcement" the man stated as the students around became quiet. 

"The war is not over, and you are all staying here" The Directer said as noise arose. "What's the meaning behind this!?" and "We can help fight! We don't need to stay here!" where yelled as Sophia silently growled.

"Enough!" came Dianna's yell as all suddenly became silent. "The enemy are afraid to come here, so your parents are keeping you all here. With that said, have a good night" was all that was said by The Director as he walked away with Dianna behind him.

Sophia turned to her brother as he turned to her. "Should we escape?" Grykuu asked her. "Hell yeah we Should!" came the reply of a girl. This girl was Chichi. "I agree with Chi-chan" Sophia said with a calm voice.

"Don't forget about us" Skylar suddenly said as she gave them a smirk. She jabbed her finger to the the people behind her. Kamen smirked, Deku sighed, Joe sighed with him, and Rahna glared.

"No, we are not doing that" Rahna said as she glared at Skylar. It was this moment that Shawn chose to show up. "Oohhhh~ Are you guys planing to escape?" he said in a sing song manner. Shawn gave them a dark smirk as he then said "good luck with that."

Shawn then eyes Skylar. He got punched by Sophia for that. "You won't tell him, alright?" Sophia said in a near growl as Shawn smirked harder. This boi definitely had a death wish. "I wont need too~" He said in his singsong manner as he ran away.

"Let's just ignore him" Grykuu said as the people around him agreed.

~End of Chapter 4~ 


That's a wrap guys! Sorry if I didn't post this last Sunday... Any ways, I would like to announce that I have made a schedule that may or may not happen.

After War High = Sunday

An Assassin's Sorrow= Next Sunday

By the way, I'm only editing An Assassin's Sorrow. But if worse comes to worse and Rey (The one who made An Assassin's Sorrow) wont wake up, than I way just have to take it myself. Please be aware that I may have been the first author, but the main author of the account is still Rey. I'm just taking it back for now. 

This is The First Author, signing off!

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