.:Chapter 8:.

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Sophia sighed. The Director has asked them if they could grab food. So that's why she was sighing and why she was outside with her team and Legacy. "How are we gonna get there without being spotted?" Sophia asked her brother as he just scratched his head as he then gave a shrug. 

With another annoyed sigh, the girl sat down. "You guys do know about the brat right?" Professor Frost said as he seemed to appear out of nowhere. Team Falcon screamed back in surprise.

'How does he do that!?' Sophia thought as she remembered all the times that Frost would just appear in class from out of nowhere. "No disrespect sir. But how the fuck can that tiny dragon carry us!?" Grykuu basically yelled.

'How did you even know that he's talking about Legacy?' was the collective thoughts of the rest of his team members. Frost's chuckle was what brought them out of their thoughts. "Παλιόπαιδο! Επιστροφή στο μέγεθός σας!" Frost yelled as Legacy huffed.

Flames danced around the dragon as the others stepped back in shock. The flames consumed Legacy and then disappeared. In the place of Legacy was a full fledged dragon. Legacy's dull black scales that had a few reds in it had changed and was now shiny with more reds in the black scales than before.

Her metal like horns had grown and curled inward much like a ram's horn. Her normal orange eyes now had yellows and reds swimming in them like fire. But despite this amazing transformation, Professor Frost just looked at her like she was the most uninteresting thing in the world.

"You kids go now, I'll be going through a different route" he said as He walked away from them. "Is that Professor Sass?" Joe asked as the team turned to see cobalt blue hair and magenta eyes watching them with a smile on a handsome face. The person was far, but you could still see him a bit.

"Oh my Kuro. Professor Daniel!?" Rahna yelled as the man just waved at her. The teens just turned around and got on Legacy, silently trying to grasp what just happened. Except Grykuu, he was busy glaring at the ground. And with loud roar, Legacy spread her wings and flew away.


"Ren!" a young boy yelled in surprise. The boy was a twelve years old with sandy blonde hair and intelligent grey eyes. He was currently struggling to get out of an older teens hug. The teen had an amused look in his face, his eye being a beautiful purple with yellow at the very bottom giving a marble effect. 

His hair was black and covered his left eye. But the teen's uncovered eye was blinded for he had a scar coming from the eyebrow down to his upper lip. "Ean! N-ncle Des here! H-he here!" the teen said with a heavy accent on his soft voice.

The boy, who's name was actually Ian, smiled at the older teen as he stopped struggling. Ren, the older teen, looked at him as he seemed to be thinking of something. Ian sighed as he knew what the dark male wanted to ask. With a sigh, Ian said "Alright Ren, I'll go with you"

Ren looked at him with a face full of happiness as Ian couldn't help but feel amused. He was younger than the teen, and yet Ren acted like a child. He never knew why. But anyways, he allowed the tall dark haired male to carry him as he ran. 

Another thing about the teen was that he hated shoes. The Director came before and tried to put shoes on him. The next time they saw him, he was once again barefooted and his shoes broken beyond repair. Ian will never understand why Ren hated shoes.

Oh no! His brain is acting up again. He hated when his brain losses focus! "Ο θείος Δέσμοντ! Η πλάτη σου! (Uncle Desmond! Your back!) " Ren yelped with happiness in his voice. Ian had to shield his eyes from the sheer brightness as Ren ran to a smiling Professor Frost.

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