.:Chapter 10:.

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A loud roar tore through the air. A lone figure stood above dead bodies. The male was beaten and bloody. Not normal blood of course. No, the blood was yellow. It was demon blood. "Who's next!?" He yelled as a predatory smirk decorated his face.

Demons ran at him from all sides as the male chuckled. "What are you doing!?Get out of there!" Another male, a student, yelled before he was jumped by another demon. The figure didn't listen as he took out his plain sword.

With a single strike, a demon died. The male stroke over and over again as demon after demon died over and over again. "S*****!" another male yelled with pain and anger in his voice. "*A***?" was the fearful and confused reply of the bloody figure.


Ren woke up suddenly. It was the same strange dream again. The one with the bloody male and angry male. He let out a sigh as he chose to ignore the dream once more. He got out of his mat, a mat he shared with the other kids as he didn't want them sleeping on the floor.

"Ren?" Ian mumbled out as he groaned a bit. Ren gave his friend a smile as he pat his head. Carefully dodging the other kids, the boy got on all fours as he began to stretch. Don't ask why he does it like this, he just does.

The boy then held his hands up as he did a bridge. Then he pushed his arms to go up and did a small front flip before standing up properly. With another stretch, the boy began his walk.

Ian had woken up to the sight of his best friend doing gymnastics, again. And then he did a flippin front flip and walked away like he did nothing! Hey, don't judge him! His still 12, even if he acted more mature.


A loud scream was what woke team Falcon up. Sophia jumped off her bed as she ran to the boys room. Opening the two doors, she quickly climbed the ladder that lead to the elevated floor. On the plain bed was Grykuu screaming as Joe tried to calm him down.

"Kuu, it's okay. Calm down" Joe said gently to the screaming boy who's screaming lessened a bit. Sophia approached the two and the younger red head's wide cyan blue eyes turned to her almost immediately. She flinched as she saw the hatred in his eyes that quickly faded away.

"Joe, is it okay if you leave?" Sophia said softly as Joe nodded. He quietly got out as Grykuu watched the two. Sophia then sat next to her brother, who flinched. His eyes narrowed dangerously before blinking and returning to how they always were.

"What happened?" Sophia asked with a soft tone as she watched her brothers eyes turn yellow. Wait, what? She blinked as she stared at his cyan eyes. They were yellow earlier right? But anyways, she watched her brother stare into his hands.

"I had a nightmare" he whispered as she just stared. "I was hunting down a person... And I was a wolf" he whispered again like he was in a daze. "I kept running after him, until I finally caught him" he looked away from his hands as he looked to the ceiling. "I towered over his shaking form. He begged for me to spare him. I opened my mouth..." he trailed off. 

He turned to his sister, and she would never forget the look he gave her. "And killed him" his eyes flashed yellow again and a cruel smile decorated his cold face. His eyes looked at her with smugness, hate and disgust. Like she was dirt.

But then those yellow eyes disappeared again and he would return. He would be her brother again. His eyes had tears, as his body shock. He seemed disgusted, but he seemed more disgusted at himself unlike when he had yellow eyes.

She wrapped her arms around her brother as to hug him. "And when I woke up, I felt pain. Like something was trying to break out" he whispered with a whimper as he clung to his sister. Her poor baby brother. "Big sis... What's happening to me?" he whimpered.

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