.:Chapter 14:.

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"Пожалуйста! Пощади меня! (Please! Spare me!)" The dumb human pleads out as unforgiving yellow eyes smiled. He didn't bother to power up, unlike the stupid foxes. The dumb vixen believed that having her powers up was a sign of power. The wolf didn't think that.

He stared at his prey. The foolish human thought that it could attack his pack and get away with it. He didn't care for it's pleas of mercy. The white wolf smirked as he could smell the fear coming out of the human

His prey's left arm was torn out and his two legs were broken. The wolf did not hesitate as he growled. Pouncing on his prey, he opened his mouth. Ignoring the mans even more desperate yells, he closed his mouth. He smiled happily. The intruder will never hurt his pups again.


Grykuu woke up. The dream, a continuation to his nightmare, was giving him a new light. So the wolf was simply protecting it's pack. Or should he say his? The redhead sighed, as he awaited the painful feeling that was gonna happen soon.

And like it was summoned, he felt the excruciating pain. He felt lightning pass him before it started. Then it made his heart heavy, like something was squeezing it. Pain blossomed at his back as he felt teeth sink into his arms and legs. He felt his stomach turn and he knew it was about to get worse. 

Grykuus lip was bleeding as he desperately bit on it in hopes to silence his scream. Then he felt cold, his body feeling a burn from how cold he felt. It hurts. Shiro it hurts. He couldn't take it anymore. A choked screamed escaped him when he felt another stab of pain on his back. 

It hurts and that was all the red head could think of now. How much it hurt. He wanted it to stop, good Kuro he really did. He couldn't see anything, tears blurring his vision. When red entered his line of sight the pain increased ten folds.

Grykuu's heart felt a pull as he felt claws grip his body. It was begging him to get away from her. From the awful red. To tear her apart. He didn't stop screaming, in fact he got worse as sobs and big heavy tears escaped the local ice boy. He could feel something breaking in him. 

It lessened when he saw brown. The nice brown pushed the awful red, reliving the small pup. It still hurt, but he felt better. He sat up, his screaming gone, but his vision still blurry. Other colors flooded his system, some bad some not. Red was nearby, but not to close thankfully. There was blue and black that sticked close to red. Green was something he liked, even if he was close to red. 

There were two dark blues. Younger one was wonderful, the other was an enemy. The young dark blue, she would be an excellent alpha. There was two white, they were enemies for they sided with red. A strange multi colored blob of sat next to the awful dark blue. He spotted a brownish yellow, she was not an enemy. Even if she was a beta vixen.

Cobalt blue was nearby, standing guard. He was a good beta for standing guard. Brown returned with obsidian black and snow white. The nice brown was a nice alpha, getting another alpha to help Grykuu (Gri-ku) . No, he was Gryku (Gree-ku). Right? His yellow eyes turned to the other alpha's shocked purple eyes that faded to red.

He was the young hatchling! How delightful! "Здравствуй юный принц(Hello young Prince)" he greeted before he felt his eyes closing. No! He finally found his King's hatchling! Stupid host! The small prince chuckled while he fought of his host. "Прости, дядя, но я уже не просто принц (I'm sorry, uncle, but I'm not just a Prince anymore)" So the young King has died. A pity really.

"Где сейчас король?(Where is the king now?)" he asked the young alpha. "С моим сыном(With my son)" was the simple answer his godchild gave him. Gryku felt himself smile. "Оставайтесь в безопасности молодой Альфа(Stay safe young alpha)" was the last thing he said to him. With one final glare at the fox and her allies, the alpha went to sleep.


What just happened. Sophia was so confused. Her brother had chosen to take a nap to energize. The two sister teams were together, as they were resting before they started their mission. Professor Frost,Professor Daniel,Professor Dianna, and even The Director was there.

They were all waiting for them to rest up. Then she heard the blood curdling screams from So-his room. Everyone panicked before running to him. When they reached to him, Grykuu was a mess. His lips were bloody from biting too hard on them and his scream hurt Sophia. When she moved to comfort him, he got worse. 

His screaming increased and he started crying. She watched as yellow flickered off and on his eyes. Hate and fear danced within them. When Shawn shoved her out of the way, his screaming ceased. Tears stopped flowing, but a pit of pain was seen on his face. 

Shawn gently helped Grykuu sit up as the red head just stared at him. "Don't go near him, I'll be back" Shawn all but growled out as he stepped out. When he left, Sophia watched as cyan eyes turned yellow. Her brother disappeared.

He was no longer slouching, his back was straight and his head was held high. He looked ready to fight. An air of danger surrounded him as he gave them a dark smirk. The same smirk he had given her before. His bloody lip made him look even more dangerous, looking as if he had bitten someone.

She and the rest of her friends tensed up as his eyes regarded each and everyone of them. Kind cyan blue eyes were gone, in its place was a cold, calculating, and hateful yellow eyes. They looked at them with hate, but seemed to be alright with the others. He looked at Joe with a small hint of distaste for something Sophia didn't know, but otherwise seemed alright and even fine with him.

He looked at Skylar and Rahna. He glared at Skylar, then he looked at Rahna with approval. What. What's happened to Grykuu? He looked at the two Professors like they were below his rank but seemed proud of them. When Shawn came back with Professor Frost and The Director, yellow eyes seemed happy.

He glossed over Shawn and Professor Frost and focused on The Director. Then he did something weirder. He spoke in Russian. Her brother only knew basic Russian like her and always had an accent to it.

But he didn't now. His Russian was perfect and his accent was gone. She understood some of the conversation. All she could get from the conversation was that this was not Grykuu and that who ever he was knew The Director personally.

She heard The Director say 'uncle' and 'my son'. "Damien, what the hell" she heard Professor Daniel say. "I'll explain after Mr. Grykuu awakens" was all the dark man say as he ushered them outside.

"What happened to Kuu?" Joe asked worriedly as Shawn nodded aggresivly beside him. Sophia felt worry but tried not to show it to much. Something was wrong with her brother.

"As I said earlier, I shall explain after Mr. Grykuu wakes up" The Director said with a sigh.


Ren stood on top of a hill, his loyal friend sat beside him. "*r***" he said as the taller and more mascular snow haired man turned to him. "When you die, will you wait for me?" He asked as he brushed back the strands of purple hair from his eyes.

His friend smiled, yellow eyes flashing a nice silvery blue. "Yes, my **n*" the wolf man said as he hugged the small boy. Ren giggled as he leaned in to his hug. "Thank you, brother" he whispered as he fell asleep.


Luke stared at the black haired boy and watched in wonder as his hair flashed purple and white before turning back to black. Yes, he was very very interesting.


Wazzup dudes! Sorry I didn't update, I was busy with things. And these things happen to be children who annoyingly like pulling me from my computer to make me play with them. I regret nothing do. My mind had no idea what it created.

You don't have to read this, I'm just ranting to annoy you and my brother.

This is The First Author, signing out!

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