Ch 6 Pizza and Pancakes

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"" I was blushing like a mad man. My face was stinging with pins and needles and my hands sweating. I was suddenly hot, despite the foggy surroundings.

"You want me to kiss you?" Gerard asked. "I can do that." he looked at me from the part of his hair. He shuffled closer and ended up in front of me, our knees touching.

"Y-you don't have too."

"Stop thinking about others." Gerard got closer.

When it happened...

When it happened is was beautiful.

It wasn't rough, and it wasn't shitty. It was gentle. Peaceful.

Did I kiss back? Of course I did. I've perceived Gerard as a beautiful person for the longest time now.

We broke away and I remembered to breathe, gulping in cold air.

"You okay?" Gerard asked.

I looked up at him and was surprised. Gerard looked like he was about to break. While my heart was going a mile a minute "Yeah, why?!" I panicked.

"It's just, the last time I kissed someone, they freaked out and ran away." Gerard looked at his hands that were playing with the hem of his sleeves.

"Oh...I'm sorry."

"No, no, don't be." Gerard shook his head and smiled.

We made our way back to the house and I remembered that Mikey was probably home.

"You don't have to talk to him. Not right now, at least." Gerard squeezed my shoulder.

I nodded and released the breath that had been trapped in my chest. I opened the door and stepped inside, Gerard taking his jacket off behind me.

"Gerard?" Mikey's voice called out.

"Yep." Gerard answered. "You mind if Frank and I watch a movie? You can join too?"

I looked at Gerard and couldn't help but laugh at his face.

"You're giggle is cute." Gerard walked toward me and kissed me on the head. Was this a thing now? "Come on."

We walked down the hallway and made our way to the kitchen. I got out some chips and m&m's while Gerard got a couple cans of Coke.

"Sooooo Mikey, are ya watching a movie or not?" Gerard hollered but was silenced by the slam of the front door. "I guess that would be a no." Gerard sighed.

"Sorry..." I sighed.

"Hey, don't be sorry." Gerard ran his hands down my arms. "He's just being a dick. Let's go watch Indiana Jones."

I don't really remember falling asleep on the couch. But I woke up to a nice vibration.

"Mom, don't worry. We'll order pizza. I'll call Mikey and tell him that we'll have it, just in case if he wants some...Yeah, I'm worried too ma... Look, he's going to be okay... Okay, see you tonight....Love ya too." Gerard hung up and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

Oh, so it was him speaking.

"Hey, you're awake." Gerard smiled.

I nodded my head and situated myself in a comfortable position. "You smell nice." I muttered into Gerard's neck.

"Yeah, well you feel soft." Gerard played with my hair.

The front door closed and we both jumped.

"Mikey?" Gerard called out.

"It started to rain." he replied as he walked into the living room. "Hey Frank, can we talk?" Mikey sat down in the neighboring chair.

"Yeah." I nodded and moved as Gerard got up.

"Listen, I'm sorry." Mikey looked down at his hands once Gerard left to the kitchen, ordering the pizza.

"I'm sorry too." I responded. "I guess you'd like an explanation."

"Only if you want to." Mikey shrugged.

I took a deep breath. "I dated Janie because... because if I didn't, she would hurt you. I dumped her because... because I don't like girls like her."

"You're gay." Mikey looked at me. "Come on Frank, I saw you and my brother before I walked in."

I looked over at the open window and made the connection. "You're not mad?"

"About you being gay? No. About you liking my brother? Eh, as long as he's happy. About you dating and dumping Janie? Well, I guess I should be saying thanks." Mikey smiled at me. "You'll always be my friend Frank." Mikey got up from his chair and headed over to the kitchen.

I stretched and followed. "Soooooo what kind of pizza are we having?"

"Half-veggie for the short-stack and pepperoni for the meat eaters." Gerard walked over and snaked his hands to my hips.

"Hey, I'm not that short." I defended.

"Mmmhmm." Gerard smiled and placed a kiss on the corner of my mouth.

"Blegh." Mikey pretended to gag.

"Oh, is little Mikey feeling left out?" Gerard turned around and rushed to his brother.

"Eww get off of me!" Mikey laughed at Gerard kissing his face.

"You asked for it!" Gerard laughed and tickled Mikey.

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