Ch 19

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I heard Gerard close his bedroom door behind me as I stood in the middle of the floor. I wasn't sure if I just did the right thing or not. I really hoped I didn't create a permanent rift in the Way family, that wouldn't be fair. Donna's allowed me to stay for so long and I can't just throw that away, let alone argue with her own family. I felt like I really fucked up.

"Well that was something." Gerard sighed and looked around his room.

"I'm sorry if I made your mom mad..." I choked out, tears welling up in my eyes. This night's been so stressful and I didn't know what to think or feel anymore.

"Are you kidding me? She smiled as you stood up and as we walked away. If anything, she's probably proud of you Frank." Gerard pulled me in for a hug.

I just sobbed and sobbed. Even though Gerard was probably right, I still felt horribly bad. I melted into his embrace and tried to focus on his heartbeat. It was so strong and warm. His hands rubbed my back as he swayed me back and forth and nuzzled his nose against my ear. He was humming something that I couldn't recognize but I loved every note.

"I love you." I whispered.

"I know you do." Gerard kissed my cheek. "I love you too." He made his way to my lips and slipped his tongue in. Fuck it was so good. I reached up to tangle my fingers into his hair and stood on my toes to take it all in. As I stood back down, Gerard bent down, getting deeper and deeper into the kiss.

I woke up to find the bed empty and slightly cold. The sheets on Gerard's side of the bed were pulled away and quite cool, suggesting he'd been gone for a while. I looked at the clock which read 8:45 so I decided to stretch and get up, releasing a noise of tired comfort. I looked over and eyed the pack of cigarettes, debating on wether to light one or not. Fuck it, it was Christmas and I survived last night. I brought a white stick up to my lips and lit it with the lighter that was sitting right there.

I made my way downstairs to one.
"Good morning!" I yawned in an attempt to call out to anyone that was awake. No response. "Okay, I guess I'll just make a pot of coffee all for myself." I called out and rolled my eyes. I made my way to the kitchen and took a drag, looking for the coffee grounds. "What the..." I couldn't find any. "Gerard Arthur fucking Way!" I cursed and decided to just settle for the cigarette.

Where the fuck was everybody?

Then I jumped to the sound of a bark and quickly turned around to find a black shaggy puppy wagging it's tail in the middle of the kitchen with a massive red bow tied on him. "Oh my god..." I felt tears prick at my eyes as I kneeled down before the dog and started to scratch his ears. "Hey boy!" I laughed.


I looked up with the biggest grin on my face and probably looked like a complete fool. I instantly threw myself at Gerard who was holding the collar.

"What are you gonna name him?" He laughed.

"I don't know." I looked down at the scruffy thing and grinned. "All I know is that my gift sucks."

"That's not your whole gift, ya know?" Gerard kissed my head and walked over to start making a cup of coffee.

"Wait, it's not just the dog?" I felt my eyes pop.

"Nope." He grinned and popped the 'p'.

I rushed over and squeezed him tight from behind. "Thankyouthankyouthankyou!!!"

"Okay! Okay!" Gerard pushed me and snaked my butt. "Go open your gifts!" He laughed.

"I want you to open yours!" I groaned.

Gerard just shook his head and sat down on the couch. I grabbed his black and white stripped gifts and handed them to him.

I enjoyed watching his face light up when he found the Pixies CD and tickets to see them live.

"No way! Mom you said I couldn't go!" Gerard looked over at her.

"No, I said you couldn't buy tickets." she smiled.

Gerard looked back down at the thick pieces of paper and smiled. I kissed his cheek and started to open mine.


First of all, thank you to all that have read this story and voted/read comments. I always look forward to reading them and responding/answering questions.

But the topic that I'm trying to address here is that I feel as if I squeezed every bit of juice of this story out, and I feel that if I go any further it would loose it's original meaning, which was about the whole process of Gerard fixing Frank. And that goal has been accomplished beyond belief. Look at the previous chapter; if anything, Frank is stronger than Gerard in some ways.

I'd rather not throw plain obstacles left and right at the characters anymore because that would be pretty much redundant.

I will be writing an epilogue chapter to give the story a peaceful end but honestly, I don't think I'll be revisiting this story. (I'm actually working on a new one right now that will soon be up with the first chapter that I will share on here.)

Thank you so much for reading it. I started out this account writing this fic with nervous hands and a thought process of "how the fuck do I do this?!" And over time, you guys have proven to me that I did an okay job!

Thank you again, can't wait to get started on another Frerard adventure and to hear your thoughts and comments on it.

Much love and gratitude,
-XODW <3

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