Ch 15 School Buzz

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I sat in my desk in Mrs. Pratt's English class waiting desperately just to get away from the campus. The taunting and teasing had escalated and Gerard and I hadn't even been together that much. And when we were our hands were too full with school supplies to even hold hands. We'd just smile and talk to each other and then be on our way.

The small bright side throughout this whole event is that our friends have been sticking up for us. Damon's been super open about being a bisexual feminist artist and Ray has been pretty chill about the whole ordeal, plus, Bob said he wouldn't be afraid to throw a few punches if anyone tried to hurt us. Even the all popular Mikey, whose hated me in the past, has tried his very best to stop anyone he can. Sadly, people have lost their respect for him and he's pretty much become one of us. But he's told me not to worry about it because he'd rather have friends like us than the plastic ones out there. But I still worry.

I always worry.

The bell rang and everyone leapt from their seats and out into the hallway. It was a few days before Christmas break and everyone was just antsy and about ready to pop like a Christmas cracker.

"Frank, can I talk to you?"

I headed towards Mrs. Pratt, who I must say is pretty chill. She had a few piercings in her ears and small old marks from a past lip ring and eyebrow ring. She made Oedipus funny and Brave New World crazy and awesome.

"How's it going?" She asked while checking her email.

"What do you mean?" I looked at her with a confused face.

She looked up at me, to the door, and back at me. "Frank, you're not being treated the way you should. You and your friends don't deserve this... Abuse."

"Then tell the principal!" Frank pleaded.

"I've mentioned it multiple times but you know how the principal is." She sighed and looked over to the door and smiled. "Hello Gerard."

"Hey Pratt." He voice chimed.

I looked over and found Gerard walking over and snaking an arm around me, instantly making me feel warm and calm. "What's up?"

"You need a haircut babe." Gerard muttered as he buried his nose in my head and kissed it.

I felt my face blaze a billion degrees and change a trillion colors. "Gee..." I questioned his sudden closeness, especially on campus.

"Come on, I scheduled a haircut for you, my pay. You've been complaining about it for weeks."

Mrs. Pratt smiled, "You two should get going."

"Oooo! It's so short!" Gerard giggled and rubbed his square fingertips all over my head.

My eyes rolled back and shut. If it was one thing that made me tired was when someone played with my hair. And when Gerard did it, well fuck, it turned me on.

"Fuck, don't do that Gee!" I groaned.

"Mmm... Why?" He teased while he kissed my cheek and then gently nibbled my ear. "Are you getting tired?"

"It's making me crazy."

"Good." Gerard planted a large kiss, only to pull away once his mom walked through and cleared her throat. "We're finishing this later."

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