Ch 16 Children

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"What are we supposed to do?" I whispered, walking up to Gerard with a cup of coffee. It was already five in the morning and there was no point in trying to sleep now. We were wide awake. The cops already came and left, surprisingly showing empathy and care. They asked Damon questions and luckily she was able to stay over to get some sleep, but she too couldn't.

The bright side of all of this was that Damon was able to recognize every person that was guilty so that made the cops' job easier. But she still couldn't really function fully. She sat on the couch wrapped up in several blankets and a pair of Gerard's pajamas. Donna had given her a cup of hot tea and Tylenol to ease the pain but we all knew Tylenol wasn't going to fix everything.

"I don't know..." Gerard sighed. I think we were both just shocked still. "We're going to have to get a new garage door and front door."

I nodded and looked into the cup of brown liquid that kept my hands warm. "Do you think they'll catch them?"

Gerard shrugged and kissed my head.

"Well, I don't want this day to be ruined by a bunch of inconsiderate teenagers. Let's go Christmas shopping." Donna smiled and then looked over at Damon. "Come on, I'll buy you some things. I just got paid."

We finally made it to the mall through the snow and cold. I've never really been able to spend so much money in one place. Donna's gift to us was money to spend on ourselves but she also gave us some to get other people gifts. Again, I haven't spent this much money in one place so I was nervous and excited at the same time. I tried my best to keep myself reserved but all that resulted from that was me clinging onto Gerard.

"Frank you're gonna have to leave me alone at some point." Gerard laughed.

"What do you mean?" I looked up at him.

"How the hell am I supposed to buy your Christmas present if you're cradling my arm?"

I realized I had been walking with Gerard and locked arms for the whole day. In a public place. In a large one at that. I looked around and noticed all of the people walking with their kids and other significant others, all not really batting an eye at us.

"Babe what's wrong?" Gerard looked down at me.

That's when I felt it. A growing warmth in my chest and an ache no Advil or cut could cure or gouge away. It was a good one, it was the kind of feeling that could be compared to the warmth of the sun when it's been a cold day. Like when it seeps through your skin and into your bones, making you close your eyes. I looked at Gerard's smooth face and noticed the small stubble that was starting to grow. We'd grown up so much over the months. I wanted to be there when he grew up. I wanted to grow old with him. I wanted to see that smooth face gain smiling wrinkles and maybe a pair of glasses. I wanted to be there for his new haircuts to run my fingers through them. I wanted to love him. I thought I loved him. Is that what this was? I think I love him.

"Him?" Gerard raised an eyebrow.

I looked over and realized I had said that last part out loud and instantly turned red. Gerard looked utterly confused and lost and all I could do was laugh. "Yeah, I think I do." I giggled at Gerard's even more confused and kissed him. "Okay, gifts. I've got my phone." I kissed him a few more times and managed to slip my hand in a belt loop of his. "You can be so lame, you know that?" I kissed his cheek and walked off, leaving him in a confused mess.

"What'chyou get me?!" I toppled on top of Gerard as I met back up with him.

"Jesus Frank!" Gerard laughed and choked a bit. "You'll find out on Christmas morning."

I got off of Gerard's back and pouted, "You're no fun..."

"Well then what did you get me?" Gerard placed his hands on his hips.

I stuttered and then groaned in agitation. "Fuck you Way." I growled.

"Whenever you want to." Gerard giggled and shrugged and instantly bit his lip as he saw my fuming face that was red from not only frustration but embarrassment. "You should see your face." Gerard shook his head.

I sighed and looked over to find my saving grace, otherwise known as Damon. "Damon, Gerard's being an asswipe of a boyfriend."

"And you're being a child." Gerard chimed as we started walking.

Damon just rolled her eyes and slung her arm over my shoulder and I did the same with her. "You're both children." She muttered and laughed.

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