Ch 12 Beautiful Creature

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“Why are your eyes red? Don’t bullshit.”

I dropped the cigarette and felt my gut tighten. Gerard knew. I turned to him and curled up against his chest, intertwining my legs with his.

“Oh, Frankie it’s going to be okay.” Gerard butted his cigarette out and pulled me in even more. “It’s going to be okay.” Gerard choked as he started crying too.

“I’m nothing Gerard, nothing.” I said into his soft shirt, now being soaked by my shitty tears.

“Shhhh! You are something. You’re mine.” Gerard shut me up. “You’re my beautiful creature.”

And that’s when I broke. I was shaking, sobbing, more than ever. My cries filled the room, and probably the house.

Once I calmed down a bit, Gerard started to tug on my shirt.

“Take it off.”

“What?” I looked at him. Where was he getting at?

“Let me see what you’ve done.” Gerard demanded again.

I slowly took of the tear-stained shirt and blushed a deep red. “I’m sorry.”

“Frankie…” Gerard looked at my wrists and my partially exposed hips.

The front door had opened and voices were filling up the house.

Gerard buried his face into my neck and I did the same. I needed him right now and he needed me.

Damon and Mikey’s voice floated up the stairs and down the hall, slowly becoming louder.

"Hey Gerard, we found a cool-" Mikey had stepped into the room with Damon behind him.

Damon rushed over to Gerard and me and wrapped her arms around. "Oh Frank..." She sighed and kissed my cheek.

Mikey came and sat down with us too. He didn't ask us anything. Neither did Ray or Catherine when they came up as well.

"C-can I put my shirt on?" I piped up after a while. Everybody laughed a little and let go of me. Well, Gerard didn't let go of me. "Gerard...I'm cold." I looked down at him.

He finally released me and I pulled my shirt over my head. Right when I straightened out the shirt, Gerard wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm sorry." I said.

Gerard grabbed my face and planted a kiss on me. I tripped back in surprise and slowly realized what had happened.

"Stop saying you're sorry. Stop it." Gerard rested his forehead against mine. "Every time you say that, I'm going to kiss you right on the mouth. Even if you're sick, even if you're angry, even if it's in a big crowd."

I blushed a deep red and felt my face sting.

"But Ge-"

"No buts!" He shook his head.

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