Ch 17 The Buchanans

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It was the day before Christmas Eve and Gerard was pacing back and forth in his bedroom with his shirt on backwards and mismatched socks. I chose not to say anything because hell, he was already strung out.

"I can't believe that they're coming... The kids are worthless little brats that want everything that they don't have. And once you give them something to shut up, they complain about how it's not enough! Ugh!" Gerard rolled his eyes and curled his lip. "Not to mention, the parents are completely conservative. Going to church three times a week, napkin in lap, homophobes, that only see art related jobs as a hobby! Why do they have to come?!" Gerard looked up at the ceiling. "I don't want them to come..." He sighed and looked at me with frustrated and tired eyes.

"I'm sorry." Was all I could say to show empathy.

Gerard plopped down on the bed in front of my criss-crossed legs and then fell onto his back, his feet just barely touching the floor. "I don't want them to hurt you." He mumbled.

"Gerard, why would they hurt me?" I looked down at him and tried to find an answer in his face.

"Because they hurt me." He breathed out.

I moved so I could kiss him firmly. I loved how his eyelashes curled just like his tongue would around mine. His lips were hot against my cool ones as I smoothed his hair out of his face.

"I'll be fine- we'll be fine." I kissed his cheek a few times and looked down at him.

"Can I ask you a serious question?"

"Shoot." I laced my fingers in his.

"Have you cut recently?" Gerard looked at me with careful eyes. He probably felt as if he was walking on glass with this question, which he wasn't. I only took it as a sign that he was caring for my well being.

"No." I blinked.

"When was the last time?" He looked down at our hands and started tracing circles with this thumb.

"The day you called me your boyfriend." I smiled as the memory took flight in my head.

"Really?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah." I smiled proudly, but stopped as a question prodded my brain. "Why do you ask?"

"Because what my mom's family will say will make you want to hurt yourself. Trust me, I know. It made me want to vomit, but I did my best not to."

"You mean it made you want to..."

"Purge? No. I've never been into that. But I cried so much the night they left that it made me sick." Gerard tensed up at the nightmare.

I kissed his forehead. "You've got nothing to worry about babe. Well... Besides your socks and shirt." I giggled.

Gerard raised his head a bit to get a glimpse at his shirt. "Fuuuck..." He groaned and plopped his head back down.

"You're welcome!" I chimed as I got up to help Donna with the cooking.

Gerard was right. His family was horrible. No, horrible is an understatement, and probably a compliment if the term was ever addressed to them.

Try loathsome, obnoxious, offensive, and repulsive to the point where they left that distasteful bile in the back of your throat that made your tongue dry.

Nailed it.

When they arrived in their family van, the kind that soccer moms drive, with their four kids, Gerard squeaked pretty much yelled and jumped off of the couch and ran into the other room. Mikey groaned and yanked his brother back into the living room which had turned into the purgatory waiting room in hell in ten seconds flat.

Donna stood in front of the TV, turning it off and then looking at the three of us. "It's Christmas and they are family."

"Christmas Eve, so we don't have to be on our best behavior, just like half or something." Mikey rolled his eyes and Gerard and I giggled.

"Michael you'll behave, unless if you want a shoe up your ass this Christmas. That goes for you too Gerard." she glared at her red headed son. She then sighed and pinched her nose. "Boys, I know they're horrible people-"

"She admits it!" Gerard smirked and giggled.

"-BUT-" she cleared her throat, "it's just for one night. Be polite and soon enough they'll be on their merry way."

And with that, hell knocked at the door.

The Buchanan's were a stiff bunch.

Margret claimed to be forty four but honestly looked fifty (Donna later stood by my prediction and claimed I was right). She was a stay at home mom with a hobby for gardening and knitting. Her grandma years seemed to have kicked in already, especially with her senile attitude.

Harrison was that kind of father that calls his kids sport and sweetie and pats the star sports athlete on the back and gives a thumbs up to his "mathlete". Best of the best with a coffee cup that had "#1 Dad" printed on it in blue. He owned a sports supply business and was a part time coach for many sports and his kids' high school.

Now the kids-I mean shit bags-I mean kids.

Brandon was already off to college in his sophomore year, studying political science. Talk about a drag. His stupid perfect face made me want to puke all over his Hollister cardigan.

Tiffany was the oldest girl with long blonde hair and anything and everything pink, purple, and animal print. Just seeing her and smelling her strong perfume made me even more gay for Gerard than I ever was, which I never knew was possible.

There was also a twelve year old, Lucas. You could just tell he was one of those "marriage-saving babies", which again was proven to be true from the all knowing Donna.

Then there was sixteen year old Katrina. Black on top of black with a bit more- wait what? Black? This girl was all decked out like Winona Ryder from Beetlejuice. Even Gerard was cut off guard. I guess she changed since the last time he saw her. But here's the catch;

She's head over creepers for Gerard.

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