Ch 10 Omelets

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I woke up to the smell of coffee and a cold opening in the couch.

"I was wondering when you were going to wake up." Gerard's voice made me jump but I soon calmed down when I noticed the coffee.

"Good morning." I rubbed my eyes and felt a pair of soft lips mold against mine. I made a noise of surprise but smiled.

"You have a beautiful case of bed-head." Gerard handed me the steaming cup. "Mom left for work already. She had a meeting."

I nodded and looked around the room. Mikey was curled up and Ray and Catherine were sprawled out on the floor.

"Where's Damon?" I asked.

"Right here." Damon walked up to the couch and sat down at the other end. "Hey, got any tea?"

"Yeah, it's in the cupboard above the coffee maker." Gerard yawned.

Gerard and I sat there in a comfortable silence. I thought about yesterday's events and remembered the letter Gerard gave me.

"I'm sorry about yesterday." Gerard said quietly.

"Why do you say that? It's my mom that should be apologizing." I looked up at the worried angel.

"If I hadn't put this birthday all together, you wouldn't have seen her." Gerard sighed.

"Don't blame yourself. I was going to have to see her at some point." I placed my hand on his, interlacing my fingers.

Damon came back in the room with a cup of tea and a bagel. "I snatched it off the counter since your mom isn't going to be cooking us breakfast."

"Gerard makes the best omelets!" I said.

"Yeah I can make omelets." Gerard offered and got up to the kitchen.

"Omelets with tomatoes and avocado and cheese?" Damon followed us.

"Is that a request?" Gerard smiled and pulled out the ingredients.

While Gerard was slicing an avocado, I slid my arms around him from behind.

"Whatcha up to?" Gerard smiled.

"Nothing." I rested my nose on the back of his neck and closed my eyes.

"Goooooo moorneehhh." Ray stretched his arms as he walked into the kitchen.

I freaked out for a moment and snapped my head in his direction. But Ray didn't seem phased at all.

"One omelet for the creepy lady!" Gerard slipped the eggy goodness onto a plate and started up another one.

We ate our omelets and got ready for the day, which for me, involved Gerard kissing me as I put my shirt on.

All six of us headed downtown to a music store where I tried out an awesome Epiphone.

"Hey Frank, heard you've been sucking cock."

I froze in place, recognizing Lucas's voice. Why the hell did he have to be here now?

"Faggot, I'm talking to you." He moved closer.

"Go somewhere else." I turned on my chair and continued to strum a random tune.

"Now why would I do that?" Lucas punched me in the back, causing me to choke on my breath.

"Hey Lucas, suck. my. dick." Gerard came down the aisle and stood in between me and shit-head. "Do it."

"You guys are fucking gross." Lucas started walking off, losing the fight.

"That's right, fuck off douche bag!" Gerard called back.

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