Ch 18 The Buchanans Really Need to Fucking Stop

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"So you've like moved in and stuff?" Brandon asked.

"Yeah, you could say that." I leaned against the wall of Gerard's bedroom and watched Brandon look around.

"He's always been into the dark stuff."

"Yep. I guess." I felt a tap on my shoulder and found Gerard motioning to follow. I did so and ironically we ended up in the hallway closet.

"What the hell are you doing Gerard?"

"Are we being open around them?"

"What?" I squinted my eyes. it was dark in here except for the light at our feet from the crack in the door and I could barely make out the shape of his head.

"Are we holding hands and stuff around my homophobe family?" Gerard clarified.

I sighed and realized that we hadn't addressed this obvious question. I wanted to be able to kiss and hold Gerard in front of his family proudly. I wanted to hold his hand and cuddle with him on the couch as the family talked because hell I loved him for fucks sake. He may not know it but I honestly couldn't see a life without him. And if we were going to be together, this situation had to be confronted at some point.

"Whatever you think is best." I replied.

Gerard whined. "You're not exactly helping babe."

I reached out and found his waist and pulled him in for a hug. "You can hold my hand under the table. You can lock your leg with mine. You can kiss me in the kitchen when no one's looking-"

"But know your heart is mine." Gerard sighed and I could feel him relax a bit.

"Are we okay then?" I kissed him lightly.

"Yeah." Gerard nodded, making our noses bump.

"Okay, next step is to get out of the closet." I giggled.

"Not funny Iero."

"So funny." I laughed and opened the door and walked out.

"What were you two doing in there?"

Gerard and I spun around to find Harrison standing and drying his hands. Gerard froze like an icicle and I thought quickly as to what to say.

"Making out." I rolled my eyes and shrugged. Gerard's eyes bugged out and he coughed, well actually choked.

Harrison just laughed and shook his head, leaving us.

"Iero..." Gerard groaned and started fast walking towards me.

"What? Christmas spirit, remember Gerard? Don't disappoint Donna." I giggled bumped into Katrina. "Sorry."

"I swear to god I'm gonna kill you!" Gerard grabbed a hold of me and growled as he tickled me.

"Ah fuck! Ge-Gerard! Fuck! Stop it!"

"Not until you suffer!" He declared, leaving me to wail in pity.

"Oh, sorry Kat, didn't see you there." He calmed down and pushed me back down as I tried to get up from the floor.

"Oh it's okay." She shook her head.

"So... You got a new look?" He pointed out the obvious.

"Yeah, you like it?" She smiled a bit, totally turning red.

"Whatever makes you happy I guess." Gerard smiled and rocked on his feet.

I finally stood up and leaned against the hallway wall. "So you've taken a liking to Transylvania?"

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