Ch 8 Happy Birthday You Freak!

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A lot has happened through the past few days. Ray is back from his vacation and Bob is back from his family reunion. Gerard kept on insisting that we have a get-together with them on Halloween for my birthday. Now, I've never liked celebrating my birthday. I just don't like things that center around me or put me in awkward positions. But when Gerard gave me those puppy eyes and started kissing my face, I have to admit, I melted. He's going to totally get it...little fucker

Now I just have to figure out a way to get past the anxiety and stress and pull off a night for my birthday. Luckily I wont have to deal with my mom and my dad and their parties that they would throw for me with strangers wishing me happy birthday.

So you might be wondering how I'm doing...horrible.

"Frank, can you hand me two eggs?" Gerard asked.

I handed the two cool eggs to the handsome, blazing red-headed, Gerard that had an apron on and flour on his face. "Why are you baking me a cake? I already told you that you don't have to." I sighed.

"Because I want you to have a birthday cake." Gerard replied with a bit of sass.

"You're crazy." I stated. "What if I don't eat any?" I challenged.

"What if I fed it to you?" Gerard wiggled his eyebrows.

"Like I said, you're crazy." I laughed, trying to make my blushing go away. I leaned over and placed a kiss on Gerard's cheek, wiping some of the flour away that now lingered on my mouth. "When are we going to tell Bob and Ray?"

"Whenever were ready." Gerard's hip brushed mine. "Are you ready?"

"Are you ready?" I repeated.

"Honestly, I kind of like it being our own secret from them. It would be nice to keep it that way for a little. At least in my eyes." Gerard thought out-loud.

I nodded my head in agreement. I noticed a pack of cigarettes and a lighter on the counter and slipped one into my fingers. Too much stress was building up inside of my head. "You don't mind, do you?" I asked Gerard.

Gerard looked up from stirring in food coloring. "Yeah, you don't need to ask. I would like a couple drags though, is that okay?"

I furrowed my brows as I grabbed the lighter, "I think I might need the whole stick right now. Sorry..." I muttered.

Gerard noticed my tenseness and put down the spatula. "I'm sorry that this whole thing is causing so much stress on you. I can call everybody and cancel." Gerard placed a hand on my arm as I lit the stick.

I breathed in really long and let the smoke out nicely, letting the nicotine relax me. "No don't do that. You've been excited, I don't want to take that away from you." I looked down at Gerard's chest. "Besides, it could be fun. I'll be with you."

"Okay. Then I'll make sure we do something nice tomorrow. Just the two of us, okay?" Gerard placed a kiss on my temple, relaxing me a bit more, then returning to mixing.

"That apron's really gay." I joked.

"And I love it" the flaming red-head snapped his fingers.

Soon enough, the guys were here and so were a few new faces. Ray had brought his cousin that was staying with him, Catherine. She had really short brown hair that framed her hair in curly wisps. And Bob brought his girlfriend, Brianna, who had her black hair put up in a bun. Mikey had brought over one of his good friends, Damon. She had stark white hair parted down the middle that flowed down to her stomach.

So of course with three new faces and two friends all left to judge me, I was shaking. Gerard was finishing up the cake so I was more than alone. Luckily, Mikey noticed my tension and decided that we all opened gifts which Gerard screamed a "Wait!" and skittered upstairs and back down again, to reveal a few packages in black wrapping paper.

"Open mine first!" Mikey pushed his present that was wrapped up in striped paper forward. He smiled as I started opening it.

"Awesome! Donnie Darko!" I looked at the movie with curious eyes. "Thanks Mikes!" I messed up his hair and sat back a bit.

"I actually got you something." Damon said, retrieving a purple box out of her bag. "I wasn't sure if you would like it or not but I thought it kind of fit you." she shrugged.

I opened the box up to find a vinyl sticker of a Frankenstein and a drawing covered in doodles with the words "Happy Birthday you freak!" scrawled in the middle. I laughed and promised her I'd frame the page of doodles.

Bob gave me some new strings to my guitar, which is trapped at home, Ray gave me a few mixed CD's of music he discovered while on vacation, Catherine gave me an awesome sweater with a monster on it, and Brianna gave me a shit-ton of candy and a pack of cigarettes.

I reached for Gerard's and ripped away the paper to find an envelope on the inside. A simple "F" was inked on the back with a note that said "open later". I placed it aside and opened the box.

"A fucking skeleton onsie?!" I laughed and pulled it out.

"There's more." Gerard smiled.

I opened the other package and found band-aids with a sticky-note that said "When things get rough, just remember that I'll fix you.". I felt tears well up in my eyes and I sniffed them away.

"Thank you." I looked at the beautiful angel sitting next to me. He just smiled and pulled me in for a hug.

Gerard presented the green frosted cake that had a whole bunch of Halloween sprinkles. And the best thing was that my favorite word was piped in black frosting right in the middle, "Fuck."

The cake was delicious. And sure enough, Gerard found moments to feed me cake with his bony hands. Stubborn shit-head.

We all decided to walk around the streets, since it was Halloween and all, and get some candy. I tried on the onesie, which fit quite nicely, and stuffed the pack of cigarettes in my pocket. I lit one straight away as we walked through the streets. Gerard managed to catch up with me, after finding a jacket, and slipped his hand in my pocket.

"Want a drag?" I looked up at him.

"Nah, they're yours."

"And I want to share them with you." I placed it in his mouth and watched him breathe in smoothly and exhaled slowly into my face.

"You're beautiful." he smiled at me with kind eyes.

I absent-mindedly took the cigarette back from his open hand. "You too." I moved forward slightly. I really wanted to kiss him there but the others would see. I really, really did.

"You guys are so cute together."

Our heads whipped around to find Damon walking up to us.

"Wha-" I stuttered. I looked over at Gerard to find his eyes as big as saucers.

"Don't worry, I wont spill shit." he smiled. "I'm bi. I know how shitty people can be."

I felt Gerard relax so I did as well. "Want a smoke?" I handed a fresh stick to the dead girl.

"Thanks." she said as I lit the stick. Her black lipstick pasted lips curled up in a smile as she inhaled.

"Can I ask why you're wearing sunglasses in the dead of night?" Gerard's head poked around me.

"Can I ask you why you're wearing tights in that picture on the hallway?" she raised an eyebrow.

I started laughing "I can't believe you still have that picture up!"

"Shut up!" Gerard whacked my shoulder.

Damon just laughed waved to Mikey who was coming over.

"What are you crazies doing?" Mikey joined our pace and started walking, taking the cigarette from Damon.

"Mikey! You smoke?!" Gerard exclaimed.

"Mikey! You share cigarettes with Damon?!" I mocked Gerard.

Mikey laughed out his smoke. "Yes, I have been."

"My baby brother! Is....smoking!" Gerard pretended to faint, which just left me in a fit of giggles.

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