Ch. 7 What Now?

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Four slices of gooey pizza, two cans of Coke, and a Harry Potter movie later and I was putting the dishes in the sink. I heard Gerard and Mikey talking about what House they would be in as I squirted the dish soap. I realized that I hadn't felt the need to hurt myself. I looked down at my hands, red from scrubbing the plates. Was this it? Was I past that stage? What about Gerard and me? Is this it? I mean... what's next? I've always been a boat struggling against waves and now what am I supposed to do, ride the current?

"Frank, are you okay?" Gerard called out.

I stood there for a moment, in thought. Was I okay? For as long as I can remember, I always had a problem. I always had a negative monster latched onto my back.

I mean, I'm a hideous demon, I cant change that. My body's lumped in all the wrong places, my face bugs the living shit out of me, my hair needs a cut and wash, and my voice can give me the worst headaches at times. But I've always had to deal with that. And I always will.

There is my mom... and the fact that she kicked me out. But I'm okay with getting away from her. I've been squirming in her grasp for the longest time. And I never knew my dad. All I know was that he married my mom and he was related by genetics.

What about Bob and Ray? What will they say? What will kids at school say? What will the rest of my family say? What if-

"Frank, you okay?"

My head shot up and I found Gerard looking at me, a little worried. "What?"

"I've been calling you. Lost in thought?" Gerard inched closer.

"Yeah... I guess a lot has happened." I muttered and dried my hands.

"Yeah, I guess so." Gerard agreed.

I walked into Gerard's chest and my hands found their way around his back. I felt Gerard's snake around me and pull me closer. I took in Gerard's smell of spearmint, coffee, cigarettes, and just sweetness.

"You want to watch another movie?" Gerard's voice vibrated.

"I'd actually stay like this for a bit longer, if that's okay..." I tightened my grip and nuzzled my way into Gerard. I didn't want to loose him. I felt a pit in my stomach that made me think that if I let go, Gerard would disappear right there. I don't know why, I just did.

I felt something warm against the back of my neck and realized Gerard was kissing me there.

"You need a haircut. We should get one tomorrow." he stated.

I just nodded my head in agreement and held onto Gerard for a bit longer.

I woke up to Gerard's arms lazily around my torso. I shifted around to find him looking out the window.

"How long have you been awake?" I looked up at his sculpted face.

"Not long." he looked down at me with his hazel eyes.

We got up and got dressed. I swear I felt Gerard take a look at my shitty body and I instantly felt sorry that he had to see it.

Snips and clips tickled my ears as I sat in the chair as still as I could. A girl with purple hair had been styling and cutting my hair for the past half hour. I started to get squirmish to see Gerard's hair but he insisted that I don't look. So of course I granted his wish and toughed it out.

"What if you had bleached sides?" the lady asked me.

I looked into the mirror and tried to envision what the girl saw and nodded my head. "That sounds cool."

I waited for Gerard at the front of the salon. What the hell was taking so long? His hair wasn't that bad. I sunk into the pleather chair and played with my thumbs.

"Someone looks hot." a warm breath blew against my ear and freshly buzzed/bleached sides.

I looked out of the corner of my eye to find a tousled blazing red head of hair with a smirk. "Holy shit Gerard!"

"Different isn't it?" he looked up at his forehead, crossing his eyes slightly.

"No shit, Sherlock." I rolled my eyes and we headed out the door.

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