Rot in Hell

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Christmas break had started and boy can I tell you that I'm relieved. No more teasing, bullying, shoving, and scrutinizing from hormonal teenagers that pretty much have their heads up their asses. Mrs. Pratt wished us a merry Christmas before we left which involved her giving us a small gift which consisted of a book. Gerard got Dune and Children of Dune while I received Frankenstein and Dracula. She ordered us to let our minds explore the vast worlds over the winter break.

Damon said she'd come by as much as she could since there was a bigger amount of snowfall in Jersey this year. She's been able to come over a couple times but not much. Ray and Bob were both leaving to visit family so that just left me, Gerard, and Mikey, and of course Damon.

It was pretty late at night right now and Gerard was sitting there trying to finish Dune, but seeing that he had to read it over three times to understand a majority of the terms and laws, he had a slight confused look on his face. I guess this was his first time reading the last section.

"Gerard let's just go to bed." I sighed and whined while rolling over in the bed to hit his lower side.

"If you want to go to bed, sleep in Mikey's room." He muttered.

"Don't be like that."

"I'm not being like anything." He shrugged.

"You're being snarky that's what you're being." I poked his side and pouted.

"Hey, don't do that!" Gerard flinched away. Then that gave me an idea.

"Gerard, you know what happens to snarky boyfriends?"

"Hm?" He didn't look up from his book.

"This!" I instantly leapt forward and started dancing my grubby little fingers all over his stomach and sides. He twisted and turned underneath me, placing the book down so it wouldn't get damaged.

"Shit! Frank! Stop it!" He giggled. Then he managed to get a firm grip on me and flipped us over. And just like that, I was the victim. "Yeah, well this is what nagging boyfriends get." He lifted up my shirt and blew a raspberry all over it.

"No! No-ho! Gerard!" I giggled and tried to make him stop.

Then that's when we heard the bang. The thunk. The clatter of something falling and the couple more bangs after it. It was coming from the garage.

Gerard's head whipped up from my stomach with his eyes widened and dilated.

"What was that?" I whispered, shocked as he was.

"I think it was in the garage."

Gerard got up quickly and so did I, rushing down the stairs as quietly as we could. We got inside the garage and turned on the light. There wasn't anything wrong.

"Maybe a raccoon got in or something." Gerard looked around for anything tipped over.

"Do you smell that?" I wrinkled my nose at the strong smell of paint and chemicals.

Gerard looked at me and said "Shit." And then darted outside.

"Hey-Gerard! Wait!" I ran after him back inside the house and out the front door. The winter chill nipped at my face and badly protected body.

Gerard was standing in front of the door with glossy eyes. He pulled me in and hugged me tight.

"Babe what's wrong?" I tried my best to shuffle in Gerard's grasp and turn around. That's when I saw it. A massive red "X" was spray painted on the door. The same door that I stood in front of, seeking refuge to get away from my mother months ago. I turned my head and looked over at the garage. I felt a noise erupt out of me as I started to cry.

"Way is gay and Frank's a faggot. Go rot in hell." Was sprayed across shamelessly.

"What's going on? Why are you boys outside?" Donna's voice traveled into our ears. But then she gasped as soon as she noticed what we were looking at.
"Mikey, call the cops."

I just couldn't believe it. How could anyone do such a nasty thing. If anything, they should rot in hell, we've done nothing harmful to anybody.

"Frank... What's that?" Gerard tapped my shoulder.

I looked over at the moving shadow out near the bushes in our drive way. You could barely tell it was moving but something was there, and it was bigger than any raccoon. And raccoons didn't have long white hair.

"It's Damon!" I rushed out into the freshly snow-blanketed driveway over to my thin and practically frozen friend. "Damon it's me. It's Frank. What happened?" I tried my best to rub her warm. But then I noticed what she was wearing. An unhooked bra and underwear. She started to cry and her purple lips stuttered as she tried not to do so.

Gerard rushed over with her found black long sleeve and pajama pants. So I picked her up and carried her inside.

In the better lighting I could see bruises all over her arms and legs and torso and dried blood in between her thighs.

"Mikey, are you on the phone still?" Gerard called out.

"Yeah, why?" He asked groggily.

"Tell them there's been a rape and we found the victim."

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