Chapter 8

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Aldrich POV

Times flew faster than what I had thought before. I confined myself with nation problem, the important document and met the delegation from foreign countries. That way I could avoid from counted the day I would wear a husband tittle.

In addition, the married had done flawlessly. Rio conducted himself just by way of I instructed the night before. If we met in a different way, I would happily take his hand in open ways. They had transformed him into an elegant angel.

How should I say? I dunno the moment he walked down the aisle, my heartbeat skip faster than usual. I couldn't tear my eyes to eyeing his every step until he reached the altar. His demeanour has somehow bewitched the guests inside the church, inviting the perverted old foxes licking his figures shamelessly. I feel a surge of fire burning inside and whispering voice in the back of my head to behead or hanging those useless pigs.

They dare to disrespect their 'queen' in lusting way. To keep it short the ceremony ended in perfect ways. Everyone satisfied with the ways Rio entertain them. Moreover, for Rio, I could say he possesses a good perceptive insight to see right through the ministries true nature. I smirked when I guess whatever going on in his head.

I dunno how we could synchronize our thought but somehow I could read clearly any word he throws on the foxes group. It was the same words I used to describe them all my life, maybe he has another hidden talent or should said as a gem in muds.

I cringe when remember my words to him last night. The words that could cut all the women fragile hearts. He brush it as nothing and said the same word I keep whispering in my life.

"You may my legal wife after tomorrow ceremony but keep in your memory to never expect me to treat you like one." I drop the cruel sentence onto his face. He just flinched a little before study my face in bore gaze.

Rio was completely different from any human I had made contact. He had a solid inner strength to prevent him from turning to hysterical monster. He just stood there with a dull eyes blank from any emotion.

I knew instantly what he eyes meaning to. It's the lost hope kind of eyes, the eyes that never expect anything nor hold any hope to reach up something. He is good in hidden the turmoil emotion deep inside his heart.

"Deal, it's never my intention to love or to be loved. Hope you would hold the promise until the end. Push stop!" He shrugs his shoulder before acted to be engrossed in the book on his hand.

"Don't embarrass me with commoner manner tomorrow." I left the room after make the crude warned. Half myself feel guilty but fate who should fully be blamed. I couldn't love him the way the husband should love and treat their spouse as per state.

I just was revealing a truth on his face before his start having a strange hallucination about our future together. I couldn't dote myself for someone I barely know, someone would definitely backstabbing me later. He is a dangerous factor in my life.

I never hold any interest to someone in love matter. I just hope to left alone to continue my life. I don't ever know what it is significance to have a queen as a term to be crowned as a king. As a woman, they do nothing except being a good role model first lady. However, for a man I had no an idea what their role is.

"It's time for you to get rest, Aldrich. Your 'bride' is waiting you in your chamber." Arkan suddenly said in tease manner. I shut down the laptop to prevent Arkan from peek inside it.

"Stop your tease, Arkan." I replied him.

"Why not? You're lucky to get a bride in young age, no need to wait a legal age." Arkan pout when plop on free seat.

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