Chapter 10

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Aldrich POV

Living with him somehow has lit some excitement in my life. I feel amused when I know he was struggling to fit into his new status and fill up any expectation people store for him. He is a fool if he ever thinks that he could fill everyone's expectation. Human have a bottomless wish and uncontrollable desire.

They will treat him as a puppet if he always follows whatever their desire. Those people in the palace were like a hungry wolf. They will do anything just to achieve a higher power. Observing him in the past two months make me feel like those master puppets actually fell inside their own trap. Foolish human!

Rio is not an easy prey as they thought. He possesses a higher intelligent and perceptive that they so damn hard to notice. He always acted obediently when beside me, but inside I know he hold so much hatred and retaliate everything.

Now, he also attends the same class as me. It was necessary for the ruler to having higher educated. He is a fast learning, quickly adapts to the new environment, and so well like around the Royal campus. The Royal tutor always compliments him for his quick wit and knowledge thirsty. We also start exposing him to Nation Affair.

From a snob he became excellent in Military affair. He also could ride the horse. Even before he kept cursing Josh and me for forced him learning the ride skill. The first time he took the ride with me was funny memory ever. He scared face and clinging to mine was unexpected. People like to pretend that were the first thought coming into my mind.

However, when his eyes starting to glassy, a racing heartbeat and trembling, I knew in an instant he wasn't acting at all. Looking back to his background, Japan is high technology-oriented country. Even when they're rich with traditional cultural but the youth chooses to forget their rich culture. Not only Japan, but overall foreign start to losing their traditions and healthy life over technology mass producing.

I still remember when our heartbeat entwined each other. The melody sensations start singing in such calm soothing ways. I dunno how he begin generate all the buried feeling inside me. The feeling I wished never surface because it mirror you weaknesses. He is really a ticking bomb on my side. A really big threat that shouldn't to ever get close to me.

He was also tougher than first impression I have on him. Example when he first learns a martial art. He would show a frustrated whenever he stuck on a certain level. He was relentless until he got a higher level.

Then, I would get agitated whenever I saw him getting chummy with palace servant. He was open whenever he with someone else except me. Jared is his close friend, since the day when the misunderstand stuff got clear, Jared really behaves like what I expected him to be. To tell the truth, he was still walking in a tiny thread.

I understand they are friend, but a friendship could take another round if someone not supervises it very clear. I'm not welcoming another explicit affair in Royal Lineage. It was enough with my mother betrayed. Human could change in a blink an eye. The old experience has taught me not to trust a creature name as a human. It's enough for me to taste it for only one in my lifetime.

I flipped the reference book, eyeing Rio who had lost in whenever book in his hand while written down some note. Like the Royal tutor said, he really like to learn and thirsty for knowledge.

We got all privileges, having me as a royal blood. We got personal lounge area and separate from the rest of the students. My class also consists only ten students, who have been promised with a bright future.

"Eat first." I distract him from the book. He just rolls his eyes before put down the book.

As a man with little word, we only converse when it needed. He plays with fork, eating in small portion before stopping it.

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