Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Aldrich POV

I lost everything in the single night. Because of the carelessness, trust and love. Why Rio? Why you were so cruel in betrayed me? Fuck. The banging from another side, slowly and slowly die. I slide down to the door, shedding the uncontrollable tears and shaking body. Probably this was the worst time, I ever cried. Three times, he near dead and alive, I didn't shed this much of tears. Even though at those times, I really fear but there was a light of confident in my heart that he would alive.

"We should go back now." Andrew pats my shoulder.

"Hmm." I nod, dragging the heavy heart with each steps. The mansion was quite far away from the town, hidden by Apple yard. I had sealed the entrance with a spell. The same mansion where was Royal Father had dumped Royal Mother. The history repeated again.

The sight is quite eerily with an unmanaged estate like an abandoned house. The green murky covered the building, fences, and pavements. No electric power as well other important facility. The mansion didn't have a maid caused it dusted and dirty. Rio is the new occupant after my mother died. The house itself could drive any spoilt rich lady going to crazy. The drive back strangely silence.

Now, at this moment, I didn't have any hunch or a ray of the light he will back to me. His love had shifted away from me, pouring onto someone else. Damn it! Our relationship had gone down tour after I got the consort. The payment was too high. I got the heirs but lost my beloved husband. What I am gonna do? I loved him so much.

I don't want to share him with anyone else. I don't want his heart split into two. I want the whole him. I want him only for myself. I had warned him earlier, I would confine him if he ever had an illicit affair. Damn it. Confining him in that palace will make him solely mine.

Isn't that is what he had experienced when we embraced those consorts? My consciousness questioned me. Until now the red, still reside in me. I had trashed and destroyed our chamber. My attendants just letting me do as I please. The room was beyond recognizing. Was this was the same feeling Royal Father tasted when Royal Mother cheated on him? I think I had understood him.

I should not bend on Anneliese demanded to go to Hawaii as compensate to cover Rio's culpability. Anneliese agreed to take off the charge if I just accompany her to take some break from the recent traumatic incident. I didn't give a notice to Rio because once I hear his voice I won't have heart to accompany Anne.

If never gone there, Rio still is here, at my left side of arms, snuggling close to me. He cheated was caused by me. Admittedly, I have neglected him quite a few times, breaking our promise, dinner, lunch, and other planned when Anne or Rianna need me.

I swept my face, letting the hurting tears streaming down my face. I don't want to be king anymore. I want to be alone. I had lost everything in a blink of eyes. I would still in the dark if Corwin didn't informed me. I regret trusting and love him too much. It is fucking hurt. I don't want to face tomorrow. I hate myself for quickly fell in love with him.

What should I do? Back to my old self? I think that is the right answer. In my old self, I never feel this amount of hatred, pain, and miserable. Nobody can used Rio as my weakness anymore. He had held nothing in me right now. I take a bath with a new resolved. I don't want to be the kind hearted person anymore. The kindness only bleeds you deepen. I had enough will all this shit.

"Okay, you have heard the order from Jared, right? That order is an absolute, if someone breaks, I promise that the dead will come instantly as your mouth leaking it. Therefore, this is my option for you because this mansion will be shut down soon. You can choose either be under Lady Anneliese or resign. The choice is in your hand." I eyed the fidgeting servants in cold and bored stare. Jared remains stoic behind me.

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