Chapter 25

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Two years later...

The day after tomorrow will remark our second anniversaries. Why I never mention the first anniversary? Because the first one filled with disaster and our love life wasn't solid like today. We have less than five more months before Aldrich will official reign as the king. And, I will be entitled as the second king as I was a male. Aldrich always teased to entitle me as the queen that earned me sulking a whole day.

I don't want anyone stomp my pride again after I have already given up a man's role in the bedroom. At least, let me be a little selfish in this case. Right? However, that idiot husband and his cronies always find a way to annoy me. I don't know if married him is a lucky or unlucky.

The correct answer is I really a damn lucky man. But don't ever tell him about this. The lucky wasn't in fortune matter but I was blessed by almost perfect partner in my case. He never cheats or shifts his eyes from me even when the almost nude woman walked in front him. See, I don't need to spare a fork in my pocket to blind him.

This very handsome husband of mine decided to run away from the castle for our little honeymoon and celebrate our second anniversaries. The expired honeymoon in my thought. It took two years for us to get a honeymoon. Last night he had awoken me in middle of the night and grabbed two luggages out of nowhere. He left a note on the mattress that will bombard the mansion on today.

We used his personal boat cruise across the calm ocean. We arrive at the very hinterland village. He just is giving me a goofing grin when I just follow him like a stupid man. After walking almost ten minutes, I see the cottage. The kitchen already fills with almost a month supply. Because the stupid trip, we resume the sleep again after settling in.

We wake up around afternoon, surprising my body feel refreshing and all the tension was erased. A arms snake around my waist remind me the day after tomorrow is our two years anniversaries date. That is one hell journey filled with bittersweet, from the arranged marry changed to true love. One of unforgotten memories when this idiot man suddenly has a crazy idea to renew ours marries again. His reason was the first one contained an empty vowed.

Of course, I need to stood coldly rejected the idea. I don't want through another day of marriage like the first one. He sulked and tried persuading me for a month, but I have given an ultimatum to sign a divorce paper instead the marriage license. After that, the idea dismissed like he never suggest it.

"Hey, Kizaru wake up. The sun has been already above your head." I gently shake his shoulder.

"Give me another five minutes. I'm so sleepy." I rolled my eyes when his true nature surface. The real Aldrich has been always a laidback man. I like this side of him more than the persona he wore around the servants or his royal father.

Since the day I had married this man, I only met his father less than ten times in formal occasional. I find Aldrich was look similar to his father. The only difference is his eyes, hair, and skin colored. Until now, he never show me his mother picture so maybe my assumed a bit off. I also don't want to push that sore topic on him when he clearly doesn't like any topic involve his mother.

I place a bolster pillow under in arms to replace my waist. He groans a little but resumes the deep sleep again. I take a bath and check the kitchen again, deciding to cook a Japanese style today. I know Aldrich will eat anything if I exclude all the things he hates. I open the window, the natural breeze seeps inside the kitchen.

The air is so pure without any sign of pollution. The breeze is more efficient than the air conditioning or fan. I'm yours by Jason Mraz filled the kitchen. I take out all the ingredients to make Tonkatsu, shabu-shabu and yakitori.

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