Chapter 17

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I'm confused right now. I suffered a lightheaded, headache and wavering because the man called Aldrich. The man that had been entitled as a husband until death does us apart. He had made me put up with the unknown cause.

Somewhat that not entirely called as an unknown. How should I explain? Hmm, it all starts with his sudden his confession out of blue. The confession that nearly make my heart stop it track. I never expected him will fall in love with me considering how blank his emotion around the feeling called love.

Do I dare to hold this fragile hope? Have I am ready to love somebody with an uncertain future? Would we will together until the dead? Will he stay faithful to me until the end? Will he love me until dead apart us?

I don't know what I should do now. My mind whispers me to stay away from him but my heart does an opposite thing. It yearn that man love. It yearn we become one. I do not understand why I can have different thought in one identity.

The man that causes the turmoil inside me was the same man who currently sleeps beside me. Truthfully, last night event almost made me scared. Why? Because I thought, he has tired after I didn't accept his confession yet.

Love is blind and love can be foolish. That what people always said. Love means slowly losing your mind. It often leads to tragedy, to conflicts in which one love pitted against another love and something has to give with suffering guaranteed in any resolution.

His small gesture had affected me so much. Some are in a bad way and another time in better ways. Since the moment his confession, I feel like I have lived in a total dream. The dream that I always fear only left as the hopeless dream once I open the eyes.

My heart as if has split into two different things, one asking to be loved and one asking to be faraway from love. I know the past still haunted me very bad but still it is unfair to let someone who can accept me as who I am living in anxiety waiting my answer.

His confession is real, honest, and true. I have read his heart that filled with the warm love for me. The nervousness, fear, insecurities and scare was among the emotions occupied his head each time he think about me. I feel so in love yet confuse by his sudden movement.

The thought about love make me forget the attempted murder on me. I only think about Aldrich all day and night. I believe in he and his aides can protect and assure my safety. Human such a wicked creation that always harbors baseless jealousy upon someone they barely know. Example, the person whom tempted to killed me.

I don't know nor I ever have make interaction with outside the castle people. The one time I have ever made contact with outside when I was at Jared's home. However, it located in the suburbs that definitely could covered my status very well.

There are bad vibes I have sense lately. The feeling doesn't sit very well with the current peaceful life I be blessed with. The peaceful is too fake to be true. And, the culprit just confirmed the bad feeling and suspicious in my mind.

I sighed when thinking the course of my wilderness mind. One second I over cloud nine and another second, I revert to an old self. It is not right to let the past traumatic the current life I retained. That is what a rational mind whisper to me.

I had my answer and affirmation over the doubtful upon Aldrich's love. So, what the hell I still walking back and forth every time the issue rise between us. For the reason that, I felt hurt last night when Aldrich suddenly withdrawal from making love after teasing me in the shower.

The small things have led to misunderstanding that causes me to sulking without valid reason. I feel like a total idiot after Aldrich had explained the real reason for his course of action. My face lightened in red afterward causing Aldrich made fun of me.

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