Chapter 16

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Aldrich POV

I know what rest within his precious heart. I love this feeling and bet it will feel thousandth bliss once he is ready to spill it out. Gosh, the second our thought synchronized I can feel his erratically beating heart. It beats so loud in a nervous anticipation. In addition, the way his finger caresses my chest and slowly invade my soul like a warm light.

I can feel a soft yet a warm feeling seeping inside the heart. The signs that indicated we are under the identical wavelength of an emotion. I chuckle at his clueless way. He does not know that I can feel him as he feel my inner self. He innocently touches my heart and start looking the answer for his doubtful feeling.

Somehow, I really grateful because he choose to avoid from touching my past memories. I still was unwilling to share the secret yet. Not until I know, he is ready to become mine, to devote himself just for me. It may sound selfish but then I need some an assurance to gather all the shattered trust I have experienced long ago.

Gosh, love can render someone as hopeless and weak. However, it did not mean in wrong ways. At the same time, it also evoked the protective and possessive feeling in the heart. The feeling was totally different from the love protectiveness, you bare for friends or family.

My heart beats loudly each time his hand feathery caress my heart. The sensation was indescribable by any word. For the first time in my life, I was grateful for being born in royal blood as a crown prince. Because of the title, I get to meet with such an amazing person. The person who was currently holding my heart.

I doubt that we can be together if I was just born as a commoner. A smile tugs at my lips think that the fate planned was not bad at all. It just makes us realize that he just planned all the good thing for us in silence. It makes us incomplete at the beginning, but makes us completed at the end. The planning has been never wrong since the millennia years.

The wrong one is the human whom can't differentiate in between wrong and right, takes someone kindness for granted and abuse their mind to do the dirty work or mistreated people to justify their own ideal. Then, blame the fate and destiny whenever they failed to achieve whatever their greedy heart's desire for.

God creates you with a set of brilliant mind to think of cause and effect every decision you take. To store every mistake you do just to make you learn the way solves it later. To differentiate what is wrong and right. To complete the mind, then God gives you another gift called feeling. The feeling for you to feel an attraction and shares various feelings with another human.

However, human such an ungrateful being, they were easily forgotten and corrupted whenever they held greater power, authority, and wealth. They disowned everything surround them and engulfed in full illusion create by evil whispers.

I revert my attention to my beloved again. He still there, was searching the answer to wipe off all the seed doubted inside his heart. Our eyes met each other the second his open his bright dark pupils. It is not the same pupils the first I met him. It has been ignited by life force fire and strong will.

"Shhh, it is okay, Rio, you can take how much time you want. I want your sincere heart wholly become mine. So, don't ever force yourself to accept me just because you feel guilty. I want you, the real you, Amante." I panic when spot the tears make it ways down his cheeks. I kissed the salty taste as a small smile appeared on his face.

"Please give me a little more time to fight with the monster inside me. To return your feeling without any sign of the darkness. I'm begging you, Aldrich, please wait for me... please." He cried so hard that start to choke. I tighten my arm around his vulnerable figure. I didn't mean to make him cry.

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