Chapter 11

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"Yes, we will cum together, Love." My face becomes redder by his sentence. Love? It's true? It can't be this Iceberg Crown Prince in love with me. My heart becomes flutters. A smile tugs on my lips. The sincere smile I ever flashed to someone other than Haru.

Am I ready to undo the seal of all those forbidden wished again? Am I daring to open the happiness door? I could imagine my knees shaking and buckle when I close the door. I was coward to open that damn door. The door that could've led me into different path. The path I never wished to cross by.

The next morning become so much awkward but annoyed too. The side beside me have a lukewarm heat meaning that man only woken a little early from me. My hips sore, my backside was even worse with a wave a throbbing pain. This is his fault, fucking too much round until I fainted.

My legs shakily when touch the carpet covered the whole floor. I grab the silky robe that was a culprit for last night event, battering whether to wear it or grab another thing. I give up walking into the changing room. My legs are killing me, and my ass screaming in pain when I sit on the dresser stool, watching my face that endures the pain.

After thirty minutes, Aldrich walked inside the room with a poker face. He walked straight into changing without sparing me any glance. Stop it, Rio! He isn't in love with you, it was just a momentary speech, a meaningless word for spur of the moment. Or, maybe he imagines someone else when fucked me last night.

My heart clench when the thought crossed my mind. I shook my head a few times, getting up and walked into the large bathroom. The room that could soothe my heart since the day we move here. I soak my body in lavender scents bubbles, sponge every nook of my body. The embarrassing thing when I pull out the liquid thing inside my ass.

I see the translucent white seed mixed with water. Damn it! The way to clean that thing had caused me to have another hard on. I drain the water and rinse myself with rain shower bath. I take a cotton bathrobe and step out of the changing room. Oh my god, what should I wear today? Too much clothes also getting you in inner battle.

"You can choose to wear normal clothes because after lunch you will be following Jared to his house." I blush when saw Aldrich reflection on huge mirror.

"Okay." I choose a dark blue denim pants, a black V-neck T-shirt, and grey long cardigan.

I met him at the dining table, a few maids blushing while staring in my direction. Aldrich mouth twitches as if to say something but choose to clamp his mouth when I glance over him. Such a weird crown prince. We start eating when the food served, without talking until we finished it.

"Take your vacation wisely." Aldrich suddenly breaks the silence.

"Yeah, I'm sure to taking it wisely. Don't worry." I said understanding his hidden meaning. The people will assume that I'm on vacation but the truth is Aldrich just hide me in suburb area.

He nods at my replied and getting up from the seat. We walked shoulder by shoulder to the palace entrance. He places me a kiss on the forehead before whisper in my right ear.

"If something goes wrong, don't hesitate to call me or any of my trusted aides. Don't call all those cunning ministers."

"Understood, Aldrich." I whisper back.

I watched as the car disappears from my sight line. I sighed when spot second car coming along. It's time for me to travel too. Although the driver is none than one of the trusted aide but we still need to be cautious. All my clothes had been placed inside the car bonnet. Jared was on leave starting yesterday to avoid any suspicion.

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