Chapter 32

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Aldrich POV

I knew my last decision had hurt him again. I don't have any other option than bend to foxes wills. It is just one month and I have a backup plan. They think they can trap me with those girls. They are wrong but I don't want to correct them. I just plan to have a quick sex without regard of those black sheep feeling.

The think of having sex with girls or generally with someone I don't love had set off my stomach churning. However, I still need to do to save Rio from their grasp. If I keep the rejection, they will keep pestering Rio, tainting his image, and blame him for everything.

I had the assumption they will add new term when I had accepted the term. Rio run right away after the meeting ended. I have a bad feeling and want to chase after him, but those heads of the clan flock around me like a kid get a new toy. I dismiss them and straight away to the parking lot but his car already gone. Arkan is on my heel and offer to drive me back.

I ask him to speed up as my heart was acting in bad way. In the middle of the road, my heart almost stops from beating with the scene present in my sight of line. There was a familiar car hit the nearby tree. Rio's car wrecked unrecognized with smoke coming out from it. Arkan break the car hastily and I rushed out immediately.

I used the magic to open the door, with breaking heart when peeling him off from the driver seat. He seem very weak and in a daze. Arkan shouts to get away from the car. Using the magic I teleport us to Arkan car. I keep telling him to keep awake. My word cut off by car exploded. We are lucky to get away before it busted.

How many this man in my arms wanted to cheat the dead? Does he try to commit suicide? No, there is no way he would do it. We had discussed everything together except the last term with a few of my plans. Everything was going blurry as my attention only for the half conscious husband. The doctors tell me, he was fine even though the car was beyond recognize by now.

He only temporarily paralyzed from the chest to knee caused by his magic shielding him from the dagger. His magic is unique as himself.


"Did you truly didn't plan to commit the suicide?" I ask when hugging his lonely self that is watching the rain droplets.

"Geez, how many times I need to explain? I didn't. I just startle because the bird suddenly hit the widescreen and lost control." He still is watching the rain.

"I believe you." I said when he looks so sincere. I rest my head onto his shoulder, joining him watching the cold droplets.

The days had gone so fast. Here, the selected girl lining up to have an audience with Rio, getting his blesses and vows their loyalty and signing the legal document to give up their unborn child. Aneliese keep eyeing me while my eyes narrow dangerously when detect one of those women, blushing badly while talking to Rio. Riana Primrose Anderson, the daughter of the Minister of Health. I don't like the look she is giving on Rio.

The ceremony and check-up was going smooth and well. This will be a month filled with nerve wrecking and endless miserable. How long will I last without meeting him? No, I need to a way to get away from the guards that was stationed at this harem mansion. They will directly report to my father and mages clan if I break the law.

That is another trap they had deliberately set on me. They are waiting I break the term, to use it as an excuse for those women permanently stay in the harem. I have to be careful. My strength had decline half from this temporary parting. The officials move of all my works here. That is how they wanted me to avoid meet Rio in all cost.

Lurking around the feminine decoration mansion, I don't feel anything except as a stranger. The maids greet me as the chief of lady in waiting show the main chamber. I don't have any intention to visit those consorts today or onward. The dull day had passed a week. We only contact through the phone called. I miss my husband. I miss his giggle, chuckle, and sarcasm. Bury myself in work didn't lessen the longing in my heart. What is he doing now?

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