Chapter 31

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Why everyone so obsesses for Aldrich take a consort? This is not an ancient era where these consort the correct term. We are living in modern and high technology era. The IVF and surrogate mother no the unusual term anymore.

I don't want to share my husband. A month or what still won't change the fact that he need to bedding them. Using the same make love process as he does on me. That is unfair. The making love is private and exclusively only belong to both of us. Can't they at least respect that for us?

If he will take them, then what is the meaning of this marriage? Nothing more special ever exists. We have five more days to give the final answer. The overwhelming pressure takes a toll on us mentally and physically. Aldrich always asks forgiveness. However, this time I was unable to comfort him as I always do.

My status in his heart was in danger. What is one month spending time with them will change him? Before the marriage, I can hundred percent guarantee that he is straight. Although he never has a sex with any person before the marriage that won't stop him having a curious side exploring on another side.

Why the matters become complicated? The heir and restore innocent girl's honour. If anyone asks, do I mad with the situation? The answer is yes. Half of me still am mad with the lied that lead the matter becomes more complicated. Another half wants to run away from the face of earth.

What is the use to brooding over the spilled of milk? Every day, there will someone behind Aldrich back request an audience with me. Taking the sense of duty and status in consideration, I didn't have any choice aside accepted their audience. All the meeting was nerve wrecking, especially when I met Aldrich's father. He was always reminding me about the duties and presses me to accept the proposal.

Talk about Aldrich, since last two days he was always with phone calling Sir Wilfred to know a latest information regarding the girl. Am I on the brink of losing this man? My legs give up from support my body. But Aldrich caught me before I land on the hard tiles.

"Are you feeling sick?" He tosses the phone.

"Just feel a little lightheaded. How is she?" He brings me to the nearest chair.

"She already out from the danger but still unconscious. She slashed her arms too deep and swallowed too much sleeping pills." An anger detected in his explaining.

"Poor girl. I didn't know that my careless will lead to this big matter. I won't forgive myself is she died too. I had enough with her sister case." Aldrich shoulder slump. That is not something the royal blood would show. I hug him, ignoring my own pain.

"Rio, what I should do now? For the first time I lost my way and indecisive. I don't want to hurt you, but I also don't want to continue tormenting her. I only see her as a good friend but the public had misleading. I hate my father because he was right. The only way to restore an honour is by marrying her. In our current situation, the marriage is out of the question since I had married you. The other option left is taking her as the consort. Please Rio, please tell me what should I do?" He looks desperate.

"Do you want to visit her? I want to see her personally. Maybe after that we will find a new resolve." I hugs his waist, hiding my ugly face right now.

"Are you serious?" He caress and playing a strand of my hair.

"Yes, I am."

"I will ask Arkan to do necessary arrangement." He called Arkan immediately. Honestly, I don't want to meet that girl. Like Aldrich, I was also in roadblock mind. I just want to ease his worry.

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