Chapter 48

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Aldrich POV

The emptiness filling me after he passed the check in. The emptiness that surpassing the stabbed pain on my left waist. The killer attempted to kill Rio but I saw and take it. This is how I paid Rio for taking a bullet a long time ago.

I stubbornly ignore my friend's suggestion to go to the hospital as soon as possible. I wanted to watch until the flight departure. Although, I have a great magic, it can't suppress the human limit. My body sagged down on the glass wall, where my sight begins blurry as the place spinning around.

The kids cry close to me but I have no strength to comfort them. Why I am so stubborn? Separating the innocent kids from their daddy for my own self greedy. I thought that can stop Rio from leaving me. My thought proven it was wrong. The Rio now had matured than the old childish one.

"Father, please hang on, the ambulance will be coming soon." One of the kids chided beside me. A tiny hand grasps both my hands.

"Please, father, you have promise want to know about us. You can't break the promise now." Truthfully, I can't identify who say these words. My ears are ringing and their voice sounds so far.

I try to speak but only spit the mouth of blood out with blurry eyes until it close. The last sound I heard was the ambulance signal. Great, I can't send off my beloved properly. It's like our love was the curse one. The hindrance always exists, either from human plot or nature. Am I really a big sinner in my past life? I give up to try anything else.


I groan when the bright light assaults my eyes. Why I still wake up? I am willing to stay in coffin forever, fulfilling the traitor wish. But the God hates me enough by granting the resilient body. I had lost counted how many times they have attempted to kill me. And for the first time I wish I could die in their hand instead.

I am tired to continue living. I am tired to endure the longing heart that would never return. I have lost my chance due my own mistake. At least I have brought a justice on that matter. My only regret is that bitch had been put under Royal Father Protection.

I really hope this assailant could relate to that bitch as a ticket to hang her fragile neck. I sighed in discontent knowing where I was now. Hospital. The place I hate so much. I turn my sight around and just notice a bundle beside me.

Since when have the hospital provide the double beds? I grab the white sheet that covering the bundle. My eyes almost out from its saucer spotting the hidden object under it. Do my eyes playing some prank? Rio! My beloved one is sleeping peacefully under the noisy beeping sound heart machine.

I close my eyes, clearing the clouded mind and try to interpret what the hell is happening. I hope this is not some useless hope. With shaking hand, I touch the warm cheek beside me. The writhing heart start beating in vibrant colours again.

"Rio."" Softly I whispered his name, the precious name in my heart and soul.

"Hmm" The close long eyelashes slowly fluttering open, revealing the black pearls irises. I caress his cheeks with a smile. "How long you have awoken?" He stretches the sore limbs.

"My sight didn't prank me, right? I questioned mostly for my own self. This reality still hiding the fear that I scare to finding it out.

"Are you still in dream to question the reality?" He rolled the beautiful two black pearls with a big yawn.

"Do this mean you would stay with me?" I really hope that I could get some positive answer.

"Unless you don't want me anymore." He gives a half-heartedly answer. The answer that stood in borderline of hope and vain.

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