Chapter 23

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After learning each other past I feel as if our road becomes more lighten. I really make a right decision in telling my life story. He never changes his opinion on me, nor does he give me any of the feeling I hate most like sympathize or pity.

He gives me a full attention that sometime can annoy me. That is the sweetest husband of mine. The thing that really changes is the way he treats me. No more cold, no more harsh treatment, and no more taunted word. Well for sarcastically side, that still was going on between us. Like people say, old habit hard to die. However, it is okay because that is one of our sweet bantering moment.

The servants also notice that Aldrich becomes a lot softer after the incident and easy to approach. The ways he behaves make people more respect him than fear. I don't care what is the outsider opinion, I just wanted to avoid an enemy within the mansion. They are more dangerous than an outsider is.

"I still unwilling to bring you meet those reporters. The palace representative can relay a news about you anyway." Aldrich keeps rummage his hair for countless times.

His eyes filled with the dark emotions. But, all those emotions not directly to me. He is an enrage beast that is waiting his perfect time to strike. For people, they may feel the threaten wave, but for me it is an opposite. I feel wanted, feeling his protective side somewhat fulfil the old wished of mine to belong to someone.

"Kizaru, please don't make me as a bird in a golden cage. I don't want to runaway again. I believe in your protection. So, please put the same faith on me too. Let me walk in the same pace as you, as your equal, for us to face the world together." I cup his face and my heart wrench when seeing the hurt flash in his eyes.

I hope he didn't take my word in wrong ways. As I love living beside him, I also want my own freedom to venture this whole country. I need to learn the country from the basic, like mingling with the townsfolk because it is more effective than learning from the textbook.

I take his hand in mine, "Aldrich, please don't take my word in the wrong way. I feel useless if you just keep me in the mansion, idle for a whole day and hiding like a coward. I'm a man and I want to face them bravely."

"I'm sorry for making you think like that. I never intend to confine you, I just wanted to block you from any danger. I don't want to feel that incident again. Sorry..." He sighed in unreadable emotions. I take his defeated figure to mine.

"Shall we go now?" we parted with his reluctantly wear the blazer. We walked side by side with his hand latched on my waist in a protective gesture.

Arkan and Josh feel relief when spot us. Aldrich had given a stern instruction that forbid me stay away from him even for five millimeters distant. I nod to alleviate his anger. I feel so much nervous when Josh opens the conference door. My hand starts sweating and the heart beating almost wants to jump from its place.

The clicks began when they spot us. Aldrich led me to our seat and he wore a stoic signature face. The reporters take turn to question us, but almost all questions were answered by either Aldrich or Arkan. Josh and Arkan had branded me into what to say or hide, so when the question was in between the boundary I have let them to take care.

I never have in wilder thought that I need to face the crazy reporter. I hate how they shamelessly probed into people's privacy and underhanded method in dealing with gossip stuff. Sometime, they are too much annoying like the swarm of fleas.

However, now I need to interact with them out of willingness or not. My life had turned 360 degrees since my name registered in marrying certificate as this man's husband. My life turned upside and downside since I stepped into this palace as its permanent occupant.

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