Chapter 55

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"What?" Rio and Haru cried sound audible to our ears. These foxes give a smirk seeing both men cry in protest.

"We will indebt in your kindness, Mr. Kurosawa." The woman's husband shows his gratitude. I don't know if this man really stupid or also the best actor to analyse the tense environment.

"Me and my partner also planned to get wed there since the country approved same gender marry. So, the convoy has another purpose aside to learn about their culture." I think the plan was by Kurosawa alone since Haru's mouth wide open and his eyes moistening.

"Congratulation, I hope yours marry will last until the last breath." I relief when Aldrich have calm from the anger. He shifts the attention to smirk looking Kurosawa. I think the sly fox had met his rival.

"Thanks, and I hope you can guide us as well." Kurosawa hint something in his word.

"Sure, no problem... just called me when the time come." Aldrich give a bemused smile eyeing the lost head in front us.

"May I ask who is this gentleman are?" Mother's husband asks Kurosawa.

"This is my relative... the left man is my brother, Kurosawa Rio and in the right, is his husband, Aldrich. Guys, this man are one expert from tourism department, Todo Akemi, his wife, Todo Yuko and this group is her parents who expertise in Tea Ceremony and also manage quite famous chain traditional inns around here." Aldrich grit my hand letting the other hand hanging on the air with reddened face.

"Sorry my brother-in-law kind of antisocial person and have an issue to freely touch people." Kurosawa said in smile business manner.

"Oh, sorry." Todo-san recover from his shock manner.

"Niisan, I am sorry but can I excuse from this party. I feel a little lightheaded." I say to avoid Aldrich offend them again. This is not my party and it could put a mud on Kurosawa's face is my personal issue effect the party.

Sensing my anxiety, Kurosawa nod. I only nod slightly as I excuse us from the group. Aldrich encircles his arms around me as we walk away from them. In the same time, I also can feel a pure hatred behind me. These people really restless with my presence. Serve them right.

"It's like Deja-vu." Aldrich whispered when we get the key from the valet. The kids piling in and Aldrich buckled their seatbelt.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Before the trip, we had already spoken about the possibility if we meet your family in your current status and boom it happened right away." The kids curiously eyed us when they catch Aldrich word.

"Look like trouble is my best friend." I shrugged.

"Daddy, does that mean the yelling woman is our grandmother?" Ryuu questioned us.

"Yes, baby boy. She indeed your grandmother but also not."

"I don't understand."

"I am her unwanted son so he left me and built a new life with her lover and around two or three years after that your father snatched me back to his country. So, yeah the woman really the one gave birth to me but she also the failed mother and denounce me as her son. In simple word, she doesn't want any relation between us."

"Oh, what a pity." Ren said that almost make me laughed upon his word. This kid really has a mind like an older person if we judge the way he spoke.

"Just forget about the woman." Aldrich sudden word causes the kids nods their head. We dropped at the restaurant where we first met. The store hasn't really changed just expand its space. Ruka seem had forgotten about me.

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